Next of Kin Part 5 - She Blinked

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The next day at the DEO, Maggie showed up to update Alex on the Kastrati situation down at Central.

"It all went well?" Alex asked.

Maggie chuckled. "Kastrati missed his calling. He shouldn't have joined the Dushku crime family. He should have joined the opera. That boy can sing."

Alex smiled. "He's talking."

"Shutting him up is the trick right now. He wants protection, but more than anything, he doesn't want to leave the loving arms of the NCPD. You think someone threatened him?"

Alex rolled her eyes. "Kara promised he'd...cooperate."

"Oh, he's being cooperative all right. Hey, you think she could question all my perps first from now on? I think it would really help my close percentage."

"Kara..." Alex sighed ignoring Maggie's sarcasm. "I don't know why she's acting like this."

"You're kidding right?"

Alex shook her head.

"It's Lena."

"Well, yeah, I got that. I just mean I don't know why she's overreacting about Lena. We're all upset when a friend gets hurt. We've all lost friends. This just seems..."

"Intimate?" Maggie suggested.

"I was thinking irrational."

Maggie laughed. "Yeah, that works too. You make me irrational Danvers."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You honestly have no idea what's going on with Little Danvers?"

Again, Alex shook her head.

"Oh, come on. Kara, Lena, the chemistry?" Maggie smiled, her deep dimples showing.

"Wait." Alex grabbed Maggie's forearm. "You think Kara's being controlled chemically?"

Hand slapped over her face, Maggie stood for several seconds taking cleansing breaths before she removed her hand and smiled at her girlfriend again. "Sweetie, we've got to get your gaydar fixed. You were in denial so long, it's totally on the fritz. Your sister has a thing for Lena."

"What? No, she doesn't."

"Ah...yes she does. I think it might be mutual too. I haven't seen much of them together, but I definitely got a vibe from Lena."

"A vibe? What vibe?"

"A gay vibe," Maggie explained.

"You think every woman's gay," Alex said dismissively.

"Not true. I think many, not all but maybe most women have some non-strait leanings. All I know is what I see. When we met you were so uptight I figure you were either deeply in the closet and were never coming out, which was almost true, or were rigidly straight. Sexuality exists on a spectrum though, and very few women exist at one extreme or another."

Arms crossed, Alex stared down at her girlfriend and said, "You think most women are at least a little bit gay?"

"Hey, I calls 'em likes I sees 'em."

Alex started looking around the DEO Command Center and naming off the women who were there. "Weber."

"A little bit gay," Maggie said with a look at the agent in question and a nod.

"How about Liu?" Alex asked.

"Oh, she goes both ways."

Alex shook her head and asked, "What about Imani?"

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