Next of Kin Part 26 - Superfriends + 1

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It was several more tense hours before Alex had Maggie's results, and Maggie was moved to a room. The detective had a dislocated shoulder, a broken nose, and a fractured skull. Kara had recoiled at the explanation while Alex had asked for details, detailed details. The shoulder dislocation was a closed reduction, so it wouldn't need surgery. It had been immobilized with a sling to reduce the chance of another dislocation until it could heal. The nose fracture was slightly displaced, but they'd need to wait until after the swelling subsided to repair it. They were being given a referral to an otolaryngologist for the surgery. The skull fracture was a simple or closed fracture of the frontal bone. In the world of fractured skulls, that was the best kind. Maggie had been given some steroid medication to reduce the swelling in her face and skull along with a mild pain killer. Alex accepted the list of post-concussion symptoms with a nod.

When Maggie woke up, she was confused and in pain, but she was Maggie. She joked, smiled, did her best to make Alex feel better. There was practically an army of cops cycling through the room. Kara dozed in a chair in the corner through it all. She was physically, mentally, and mainly emotionally exhausted. What she needed was a long weekend in her own bed. What she wanted was a long weekend in Lena's bed with Lena. She'd settle for a three-hour nap on someone's couch.

At some point, Alex got all of the cops out of the hospital room, locked the door behind them, and kicked Kara's feet off the chair waking the younger Danvers sister.

"What!? Who!? What!?" Kara looked around, trying to take in whatever was attacking them now.

"What the hell exactly happened, Kara!?" Alex said, pointing over at Maggie.

"Babe, volume," Maggie said squeezing her eyes against the sound.

"Sorry, I'm sorry baby," Alex said quietly as she walked back over to Maggie and gently kissed her girlfriend on the cheek.

"Careful," Maggie said.

Alex nodded, then walked over to Kara. "I can't even kiss her. Do you see that? Did you hear what the cops who were there said? Something too fast to be seen blurred through them, grabbed one of their group, smashed Maggie into the wall, and let the other cop fall two stories. Kara, do I know that blur?"

Curling her feet back onto the chair, Kara nodded.

"God damn it, Kara," Alex said rather quietly between gritted teeth. "You could have killed her."

"I was trying to save her life."

Hands in fists and arms shaking, Alex replied, "You could have killed her by trying to save her life. What the fuck happened!?"

"Hey, maybe I could get in on this conversation?" Maggie asked.

"I'm handling this baby. You just rest," Alex replied.

"Forget it, Danvers. They won't give me any good drugs with a head injury. The crap I'm on I could buy at the drug store. If I've got to be clear-headed in this place, then I might as well make myself useful. Anyway, talking about someone who's in the room is fucking rude. Don't talk about me. Talk to me."

Alex nodded, then motioned for Kara to join her as she walked over to sit next to Maggie. "Mags, there's something Kara wants to tell you."

Her hands fiddling together, Kara said, "Technically, Kara doesn't want to tell you anything."

"Hey, just spit it out Little Danvers. What am I going to do to you? I'm stuck in a hospital bed, and one of the officers on scene took my weapon," Maggie said with a hint of her usual smile.

"I'm armed," Alex said deadpan.

"I'm bulletproof. If you fire on me, it will ricochet," Kara reminded her sister.

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