Next of Kin Part 10 - It Must Be Monday

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"Morning!" Kara said, plastering a fake smile on her face as she walked into Lena's hospital room.

"Don't you have a job? It's Monday, isn't it?" Lena replied without looking at Kara.

Kara took the papers out of Lena's hand, some kind of work, and said, "Well, technically, you're my domestic partner—"

"Give me those back!" Lena said, trying to snag the work that Kara held out of reach.

"So I can just apply for FMLA," Kara added with a smile, grabbing Lena's water cup and holding it down to her friend, flexi-straw bent perfectly for a sip.

Lena scowled, then took several, small sips swallowing between each one. She had quickly learned it was the safest way when you were stuck flat on your back.

"Thank you, Kara," Lena said after she swallowed. "You didn't really apply for FMLA, did you?"

"No, but I grabbed the paperwork in case I need it. After the gunman tried to kill me and shot you feet from me instead, work has become incredibly understanding especially as it was all due to an article written for work. I think Snapper is terrified you'll sue them. Do you have any plans to sue?"

"CatCo? Please. I only sue publications after they defame my character ... which I'm sure they'll get around to doing in time. If you're enjoying your time off though, feel free to tell them I'm considering it. May I have my contracts back, please?" Lena asked, reaching for the papers Kara took again.

"Did you get the results from your MRI yet?" Kara asked, ignoring Lena's question.

"I did," Lena replied with practiced ease.

"And?" Kara asked, leaning forward. She could do this. If Lena could say it, she could hear it.

"You were right. We shouldn't have done it yet."

Heart pounding in her chest, Kara managed to ask, "What does that mean?"

"The results were inconclusive. There's too much swelling. We're going to wait another week before we try again."

"A ... inconclusive? A week?" Kara shook her head.

"Yes. The doctor said that in a week the steroids should have gotten rid of the swelling, so we'll wait a week. We'll try again then. May I have my—"

"Excuse me," Kara said, tossing the contract onto Lena's torso and nearly spilling the water cup as she put it on the table. She walked back to the door as she said, "I just remembered that I need to make an important call."


Kara ignored Lena calling after her and walked quickly, one sharp click of heel falling after the other, as she made her way to the stairwell. She marched up the stairs at a normal human rate. Fuming, she was fuming. Kara had done everything, and all she'd gotten so far was rejection from Lena. Lena didn't have to want anything with her, but there was no reason for the lying.

"Hey, Kara," Alex said as she answered her phone. "What's up sweetie?"

"Lena's lying to me!"

"Uh ... I need some context. What's going on, Kara?"

Kara sighed loudly. "Lena just told me that her MRI came back as inconclusive, and they'd have to repeat it in a week. That's bull ... stuff!"

"That's not true?"

"No! She's lying!"

"Kara, just calm down. How do you know she's lying?" Alex asked.

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