Next of Kin Part 25 - El Mayarah

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Kara stared at her phone, shaking in an attempt not to crush it in her hand. She had insurance on the phone for just such an occurrence, and that thought tickled the back of her mind. Mainly she imagined Lillian's throat, her hand wrapped around it, and the light in the woman's eyes flickering out as her grip tightened. Lillian's futile clawing fingers would finally slide away as the human's body hung limp and lifeless, a sack of evil rendered inert. It would be justice. It would protect the people Kara loved. It would protect the world. In the broader sense, that was what Kara did, protected the world. How would ending Lillian not be part of Supergirl's responsibility?

Suddenly her phone jumped to life, text after text alert popping in. It was startling as they practically tripped over each other. Lillian had obviously freed her phone from whatever means held it captive before. The texts started with James, moved through Winn, and ended with Alex. There were none from Maggie...curious. That was probably only a matter of time.

Then the missed calls came through. It was the same group of people: James, Winn, and Alex. Again, there were none from Maggie. Maggie was the last person in the line, so maybe she was still dealing with things on her end and hadn't gotten around to reaching out yet. Kara knew it would be coming. She would happily put it off as long as possible. Opening the texts, she read the string from James first.

James: "Kara, what's going on? Why did my interview just turn into an assassination attempt? I've got the cops on their way, but I don't know what to tell them."

James: "I really need to hear back from you before the cops get here."

James: "Okay, I'm calling. The cops are downstairs and on their way up."

James: "You're ignoring my calls? Are you all right? I've got to tell the cops what I know which isn't a lot, but it's what you told me. Please call or text me."

James: "I've got to go give a statement at the police station. Can you meet me there? The guy you hit is being taken to the hospital under guard. He's hurt. What's going on?"

Kara exhaled heavily. She needed to explain this, but she wasn't sure how exactly. Could she tell anyone about the pager? Could she tell anyone about Lillian? This was a nightmare. She switched to the texts from Winn and kept reading.

Winn: "Holy crap! What was that!?!? Who is that guy???"

Winn: "Kara?"

Winn: "Hey Kar, you okay?"

Winn: "So, trying to reach Maggie because we kind of need a cop. She's not answering. Suggestions?"

Winn: "I just spoke to Alex. What the hell Kara! What's going on!? She's freaking out! Like Alex is seriously freaking out! I have never seen Alex freak out. I once saw a female Almeracian pin Alex to the wall by her throat. Alex emptied her clip into the Almeracian. When the alien just smiled, do you know what Alex did next? She reloaded and did it again! Alex doesn't freak out! Alex freaking out is making me freak out!!!"

Winn: "I'm better. I'm doing better. J'onn is sending someone here. Not sure that's legit, but like whatever. know the drill. You really need to call Alex. She needs you Kara. This is serious. Call your sister."

Brow furrowed, Kara re-read that last text. Then she went back and read the one before that. Maybe Alex hadn't heard from Maggie either. Crap! Okay, she needed to drop Alex a text and let her know that Maggie was fine. Stupid! Stupid! Of course, Alex was freaking out. She'd left her on a 'Someone is going to kill your girlfriend.' And 'I'm so sorry.' Ugh, so freaking stupid Kara. Way to go. She almost called Alex, but she didn't want to hear yelling that she could hear without a phone. With Kara's hearing, that might not be an exaggeration. She jumped into texts, seeing something about going to the hospital and deciding to back up to the beginning to find out why her sister was showing up to yell at her in person.

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