Next of Kin Part 20 - You Called Her Grandma Lillian

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As Kara walked into the waiting room of Smythe, Matterson, Abadi, and Abadi, she paused seeing her sister and Winn sitting in chairs. Alex sat stiffly as if prepared for an interrogation and perhaps she was. Winn was slumped, leaning to one side, his cheek against his hand. He looked defeated.

Kara took a seat next to her sister and whispered, "Alex, what's going on?"

"Your girlfriend," Alex grumbled.

Kara sighed. "I wish."

"Hey." Alex elbowed her, shaking her head. "You haven't spoken to Lena have you?"

Kara returned the head shake. "I left her those voicemails but didn't hear anything back. I figured she needed space, so I was giving her space. In time, I thought she'd call me. Since she came to National City, we've always been in each other's lives. I can't believe she hasn't at least texted me. Then I got this today." Kara held up the letter in her hand.

Alex did the same, elbowing Winn who held up a letter but made no other movement.

"What does yours say?" Kara asked.

"The same as yours I'd imagine," Alex replied. "It's from these guys, Lena's lawyers but not L-Corp lawyers which is interesting. They asked me to come down here regarding an investigation into some medical records of hers that had been tampered with. They asked that I voluntarily come down here today at 10:00 AM to answer some question in the hopes of stemming a formal investigation."

Kara nodded. "Mine was pretty much the same, but it mentioned Lena's power of attorney, not her medical records."

"Mine mentioned both," Winn said, still not moving. "You think they'll give me a cell next to my dad, like a family suite?"

"Relax," Alex said, eyes straight ahead. "No one's going to jail. We're not without our own clout. Don't say anything. Don't admit to anything. We're going to walk away from this." Alex inhaled deeply, then let the air out. "Then J'onn's going to have our asses."

Winn had been looking encouraged, but he slumped even deeper into his seat. "Oh, that's much worse. Can't I just go to jail please?"

"He can get you even in jail," Alex reminded him.

"Miss Danvers?" The woman at the front desk asked.

Both Kara and Alex looked over at her.

"Miss Kara Danvers?" She clarified. Kara began to stand, but she put out a hand, encouraging Kara to sit again, then lifted her phone. After a moment she said, "They're all here. Yes, Sir." Hanging up, she stood and said, "Follow me please?"

The office was large, an oversized desk that screamed 'overcompensating' with a chair that nodded in agreement. On the opposite side were two smaller chairs, obviously created for the objects of intimidation. There was a bar along the short wall, a long serious of wall-to-wall windows where the long wall would be, and a table the length of the long wall. It was covered with documents. Two people stood in the room, one a middle-aged man wearing a suit that cost more than the combined monthly rent of the three newcomers. The second a familiar face.

"Maggie?" Alex asked.

"Hey, Danvers," Maggie said, her usual smile long since gone as she nodded to her girlfriend.

"Why is she here?" Alex asked the man in the room. "She has no part of this. She has no fucking part in this!"

"Hey, hey!" Maggie was across the room, grabbing Alex by the arm and squeezing, her body between that and the target for her upset. "That's not why I'm here. I'm on the job."

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