Next of Kin Part 8 - I Just Have To Be Me

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Kara flew around much of National City, trying to clear her head. It didn't grow clearer, and her heart didn't grow any lighter. In the past, flying had always lifted her spirits, but right now she felt so heavy she was surprised she was able to leave the ground at all. After close to an hour, Kara decided she needed some advice, so she headed over to talk to Alex. She flew in through the living room window, making her way toward her sister's bedroom when she heard a voice in there.

"Hey, Alex. Can I...? Oh!" Hand over her eyes, Kara turned away from the two women in bed.

"Kara!" Alex rolled off of Maggie, pulling covers over them both in a clumsy fashion. "No! We were just ... um ..."

"I think she knows what we were doing, Danvers," Maggie said with a grin as she slid behind her girlfriend again.

"Don't touch me," Alex said, slapping Maggie's hand away.

"What? I wasn't doing anything," Maggie protested.

"That's my sister," Alex said.

"Right, but she's not six. I'm pretty sure she knows what sex is. Plus all I did was put my hand on your shoulder. Unless this is some kinky Kryptonian thing," Maggie placed her hand on Alex's shoulder again, "I'm in the clear. Is this, Little Danvers?"

Still facing the other way and hand still covering her eyes, Kara said, "I'll be in the living room." She left partway, reaching back to struggle to close the door without looking before finally leaving.

Flipping over to look at her girlfriend, Alex sighed loudly. "Look at what you did."

"What I ... Is this really some weird thing on Krypton?" Maggie asked again, touching Alex's shoulder. "I'm sure I've done that to you in front of her before. Hey, I think I've done that to Kara. That isn't really a thing, is it?"

Without replying, Alex got up and grabbed a robe, wrapping herself up and heading out to the living room. Kara sat on the couch, head down and glasses in her hand. The blonde looked miserable, red-rimmed eyes and pink nose signaling her recent crying jag. One didn't have to be her sister and know her well to understand Kara's mood, but it helped.

"What's going on?" Alex asked as she took a seat near her sister.

"I'm sorry about ..." Kara made a vague gesture to the bedroom without looking up.

"It's okay, mortifying, but okay," Alex replied. "Next time knock before you come in?" Alex asked as she looked back at the front door, seeing it still locked. She looked at her sister again, seeing Kara was still dressed not as Supergirl, but as herself. "Kara, were you flying around like that?"

Kara nodded in silent dialogue with her shoes.

"Hey." Sliding a bit closer and reaching across, Alex squeezed Kara's wrist. "Is Lena okay?"

Finally, Kara made eye contact. "She seems a bit better today. She's awake and talking, but her voice is rough. Her spirits are ... good. She's Lena. You can't keep Lena down."

"Well, that's good. Right?"

"I guess," Kara said, gaze dropping to the floor again.

"Hey, talk to me. I'm up here, not down there," Alex reminded her sister. "You flew over here for a reason. I don't think it was to embarrass both of us, though if it was, job well done. If you want to talk, talk to me."

Kara nodded, inhaling deeply and then slowly letting the air slide out across her lips. "I ... Lena ..." She lifted her head, meeting Alex's gaze and shrugging.

"Go on," Alex urged.

"Lena's seeing someone."

Alex leaned away from her sister, elbow on the back of the couch as she took that in. "You don't mean a specialist, do you?"

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