Next of Kin Part 18 - Love Because Not Despite

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"Hey," Kara said with surprise as she stopped at the door of Lena's hospital room. "You're not flat on your back."

Indeed, Lena now lay at a ten-degree angle in her bed. It wasn't much of a change from lying flat. However, it was more about the statement that it made. Lying flat said that her spinal cord might be compromised and she couldn't be moved. That angle made a different statement leaving room for questions and hope with reason.

Face scrunched up as she stared at a tablet in her hands, Lena murmured, "Good observance. You should be a reporter."

"Lena." Kara entered the room, walking up to the bed. "Lena." Kara paused, still waiting to be acknowledged. "Lena!"

"What!?" Lena snapped back, looking at the blonde as she slapped the tablet down.

For several seconds, they just stared at each other.

Pointing up and down the length of Lena's body, Kara asked, "What's going on? Test results?"

"Sorry," Lena said with a nod. "I'm in the middle of details on a deal. I need to make sure I understand every aspect of this design before I sign off on this. It's important. Tests though, yes, those were good." She pulled the tablet back to her face.

"Hey, this is important," Kara said, gently pushing the tablet away. "Can I please get about ten seconds of eye contact here? I think your health should be a priority."

"Kara, this is a twelve million dollar deal."

"Money is more important than your health? I think you have enough money."

"Money is people's jobs. If I make a mistake, if I don't do my job, it leads to layoffs. If I don't get my act together, people will be unemployed. I'll be fine. I'll have money. The C-suite never has to worry. I have responsibilities though."

Sitting on the side of Lena's bed, Kara placed her hand on the woman's upper arm. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry that I'm the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company? Well, that's a new one."

Shaking her head, Kara said, "No, I'm sorry that I forgot how many responsibilities you have. It isn't fair, is it? Sometimes it feels like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders."

"Hmmm," Lena made a noise of vague agreement.

"You know, you can always come to me, right? I'll listen. You don't have to go it alone. Sometimes..." Kara's voice petered out.

"Are you all right?"

"Good test results, you said," Kara responded, not answering Lena's question. "Would you be willing to share any details? No is an answer. I'd love to know more, but I want to respect your privacy."

Lena's answering smile was small but gentle. "One of tests they did is called an electromyogram and nerve conduction study. Basically, it measures how well nerves can send electrical signals to the muscles in your body. I still have some healing to do. There's still swelling, but the signals are there for the most part."

Kara blinked, thinking she understood but needed to hear the right words. "You're going to walk?"

"I'm going to need time, patience, and a lot of physical therapy, but I'm going to walk."

Slowly, Kara smiled at those words. There were good test results. Lena was going to walk. Right now, Kara didn't need to be Supergirl to fly. Lena's words lifted her.

"Now, was there anything else because—" Lena's phone buzzed on her side table. As she reached for it, Kara grabbed her hand.

"Ignore that."

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