Next of Kin Part 24 - You Can't Save Them All

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It was a trap. It had all been a trap. Lillian had sent the flowers to Lena to draw them to the closed florist. She'd wanted Kara to get the pager, wanted Kara to get the address and show up alone. This was all part of Lillian's little game, proof of Supergirl's identity, maybe something more. Lillian held all the cards and for how long? Kara was now looking at things Lena's way, realizing that Lillian had used Supergirl to clear out the other gang so that Lillian could take over the waterfront. How long had this all been Lillian's plan? Wiping tears from her face so that she didn't fly into a building, Kara had to wonder if Lillian had sent someone to shoot her, to shoot Lena. What kind of a monster was Lillian? What was her end game?

Supergirl streaked through the air, heading to CatCo. Her mind raced with options. Right now Lillian held all the cards, but only if she played by that bitches rules. Supergirl had to flip the script. Grabbing her phone, Kara dialed 911 and was heartened to hear the voice of dispatcher on the other side.

The woman's voice was crisp and professional as she said, "Emergency dispatch, what is your emergency?"

"I need police, lots of police! There are people who are going to be killed if someone can't get to the first!"

"Calm down ma'am," the dispatcher said, her voice still utterly calm and lacking emotion. "Now who's going to be killed?"

"James Olsen at CatCo, but I can get to him. Winn, not Winn. Alex Danvers at the National City Public Library! Somebody needs to get to her. The man across from her is an assassin hired to kill her. Also, Detective Maggie Sawyer, she's on stakeout. Someone needs to get to her now! There's someone in the police van pretending to be a rookie officer, but he's going to kill her. Lena Luthor in room 700 at National City Memorial Hospital is going to be killed. Please, someone needs to get to her now! Did you get all that?"

"Yes, ma'am. Alex Danvers at the library, Detective Maggie Sawyer on stakeout, and Lena Luthor in the hospital are all in danger, and you need the police to intercede and help," the woman replied, still utterly calm. "Is there anything else you want to tell me, Kara?"

Supergirl's voice caught in her throat. Now that she knew, she recognized the voice. She'd been in such a panic; she didn't even realize who she was speaking to. The calm manner, the lack of emotion, the ice water in the veins all formed a perfect picture now. "Lillian."


"You bitch."

"Sticks and stones, Kara, sticks, and stones," Lillian replied. "Now then, I believe I told you that I wanted you to save these people yourself, not call the police. There need to be consequences for breaking the rules. That's the only way that children learn to behave properly, and I bring up very well behaved children. You may consider this your first lesson in etiquette."

"No! Wait, please, wait. Whatever you're going to do please just—" Supergirl felt a vibration at her wrist where the bracer sat. Dread clamped down on her chest, heavy, tight, and heart crushing. Slowly, painfully slowly, she pulled her wrist up to her face to see the results of her decision to make that 911 call, of Lillian's punishment for that decision. Her greatest fear was seeing a set of zeros below one of the names and knowing she'd already lost someone from her life. Instead, she saw all of the timers blur by faster until they all returned to their normal countdown of one second at a time ticking second closer to death for someone she loved. She couldn't say how much time was lost, fifteen seconds, maybe thirty tops. Her mind was in a panic, but she was certain it wasn't a full minute. "You bitch."

"Language," Lillian replied with a tsk-tsk. "Now, be on your best behavior and follow the rules. I've paid these people well to carry out these tasks. Although I don't think they'd have accepted the job if they knew you would be joining the party. So now be a good girl and do as Lillian says. Don't disappoint me again or I'll find whatever size switch I need to leave my mark on you. Have I been perfectly clear?" Lillian's tone was terse, a bit demanding, expecting of obedience.

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