♠Chapter Eleven♠

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Chapter Eleven: Teasing and Jealousy



What am I doing!

I'm acting like a millionaire who lost his most precious jewelry. I'm in my room, walking around like crazy and biting my nails.

"For Odin's sake Y/n what are you doing to me?" I whispered while looking on the floor and ruffling my hair. I finally decided to sit down and calm myself.

"If I really need to confess to Y/n, who am I to confess first?" I asked myself. Then, a knock at the door startled me. "It's open." I grumbled.

When the door opened, Y/n went inside and smiled at me. That's when I felt something inside my stomach. Am I hungry? No. I don't get hungry that fast.

"Loki, are you okay?" Y/n asked while sitting beside me and placing his arm on my shoulder. A sweat dripped down on my head and my palms my breathing hinched.

"Yes. I am. Why might you ask?" I replied. She giggled saying, "Well, It's afternoon and you haven't come out of your room. Thor and I are getting worried."

My heart thumped in a light speed. I gulped and wiped the sweat off my forehead and gave out a fake chuckle. "I'm absolutely fine. Thank you for the concern darling." I replied.

Darling? Why in Odin's beard would you call her that!

She looked at me in shock. "Ugm.... Ehehehe... I'm probably just tired. Can you call Thor in? I need to talk to him in private." She blinked twice and smiled akwardly.

"Of course. Wait here." She replied and walked out. When she was out, I let out a breath of relief. I'll be honest with myself, I've never been this nervous around a woman.

Thor entered my room and gave me a sly smirk. "So... what happened?" Thor asked. "Close the door." I whispered. He chuckled and closed the door.

"Again, What happened?" He repeated. I gave out a loud groan. "I have no idea. Is this what it felt like when... When you fell for Jane?" I asked.

He sat beside me and placed his hands on his lap. "That depends. Did you fell butterflies in your stomach when you see her?" He asked.

"If that's what you call it when there's a weird feeling on your stomach, then yes." I answered. He nodded and bit his lip. "Does you heart beat fast and you feel like the world froze?" He asked again.

I nodded and gave a frustrated sigh. He chuckled and stood up. "Hahaha! My brother is in-" I cut him off before everyone hears him.

"Lower down your volume Thor!" I whisper-yelled. He just laughed and hugged me tight. When I pushed him away, he then gave me a threatening glare.

"But if you hurt lady Y/n, I will throw you back to Asgard and lock you on your room. Understand?" He threatened. I grinned and nodded.

"Of course. But what am I to do now?" I ask him. He gave a shrug and said, "Go out and Flirt a little." He winked at me and pushed me out of my room.

This is going to be tough.


I'm really worried about Loki. He's been acting weird since I got kidnapped. Did he hit his head or got brainwashed? Nope. Maybe not.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Loki come out from the dining room. "Hey Loki. What's up?" Clint asked, arm still around on Natasha's waist.

"The ceiling." Loki replied with a smirk. I chuckled at his reply. He looked at me and sat beside me. "Y/n, have I ever told you that you look dazzling?" He asked.

I looked at him with an 'are you ok' look and smiled. "No. You never did. Are you sure you're okay?" I asked. Steve came out with a glass of water and grinned.

"What's the matter Loki? Cat got your silver tongue?" Steve asked. Loki blushed but gave Steve a glare. Steve raised both of his hands in defeat but kept his grin on.

"Oh, why is Loki blushing? Did anyone gave a fantastic remark that made him embarrassed?" Tony asked, who just came out of nowhere.

"Shut up Stark." Loki mumbled. "Leave my brother alone Stark. He's having a very critical love problem." Thor stated. I felt a pang of pain in my chest.

Ouch. That hurt.

"Love problem? Who's this lucky girl?" I asked, with a fake grin. I'm trying my best not to cry right now. Loki hid his face with his hair and looked on the floor.

"Oh, she's very beautiful. You'll get jealous if you see her." Thor replied. I felt a lump on my throat. Tony, on the other hand, had wide eyes on.

After a few seconds, he looked at me as if saying 'I'm sorry'. I chuckled and just gave out a pained smile, which looks like a real one.

"Well, I'm tired! I... Gotta go to my room and get my afternoon sleep. Uh..... see ya!" I said and ran to my room as fast as I could before anyone could complain.

"Come on Y/n. Stop this. You know he'll never like you. Besides. Another girl has captured his heart. I wonder who the lucky girl is." I whispered to myself.

I groaned and jumped to my bed with a loud 'thud'. I looked at the ceiling and tried to stop the tears that was filling both of my eyes.

Keyword: Tried.

I couldn't stop myself to tear up a bit. I really felt like an absolute mess. I mean, I wasn't crying that hard but, goodness I'm a sobbing mess.

I wiped my tears and took a cold bath to clear my mind. If you really love a person, you need to support him even if it hurts. That's right. From now on that will be my mission.

Operation: Make Loki happy.

A/n: Hi guys! Hope you like this one! My phone is like... 10%. I need to charge it. Anyways, have a fun day ahead! See you at the next chapter! Byerzzzzzzzzzz!

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