♠Chapter Twenty-One♠

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Chapter Twenty-One: Freya



I woke up with a smirk in my face and a feeling of determination. I looked at the mirror and said, "Good morning G.M." I sat up and walked near it.

"G.M? Who is that?" The mirror asked. I chuckled and went back to my bed to brush my hair. "It's the nickname I made for you. You know. So that I wouldn't call you Golden Mirror or Mirror." I explained.

"Why? Do you not like my name? Is calling me mirror, mirror inappropriate?" He asked. "No! I mean, no. It's just that I want to give you a nickname." I defensed.

I heard him chuckle. "Alright then. Go to the kitchen and eat. Speak to me later if you ever need me." He said. I gave out a small nod and placed my brush back on the cabinet. Before, I left, I asked him one question.

"How can you talk without showing your form?" "Magic." He replied. I giggled and left the room with a yawn. I started walking to the kitchen.

As I arrived, I saw everyone looking at me weirdly. "What?" I asked. "Y/n, who were you talking to in your room?" Natasha asked, slightly suspicious.

My eyes widened. I coughed and gave out a fake chuckle. "I was calling my best friend. I met him at the mall once." I lied. I lied! What in the world?!?

"Oh. Alright then." Natasha replied and all of them continued eating. "So, why were you in your room all day yesterday?" Athena asked.

"Oh. I was reading. The book was so great that I wanted to finish it." I lied again. I hope God will forgive me for the sin that I'm doing right now.

"Oh ok. Btw, Y/n, the team and I are going to a month vacation today. Wanna come?" Natasha asked. I bit my lip and looked at my room from afar.

"No thanks. I would love to be with you guys but I'll stay here at the tower." I replied. They all nodded in understanding. "Alright then." Tony mumbled.

After eating breakfast, everyone packed their bags and left. Leaving hugs, kisses and a 'goodbye' for me. "Be safe." Tony said and kissed my forehead before leaving.

When I were sure that they were nowhere to be found in the tower, I ran to my room and locked it. "Jarvis, lock every room and door in this floor." I commanded.

"Yes Y/n." Jarvis replied. I walked towards the mirror and smiled. "G.M, that was the very first time that I ever lied to my friends." I said.

"Well, get used to it. There will be time that you'll have to lie to be able to save them." He replied. I pouted and bit my cheeks. "Alright. Now, can you come out?" I asked.

"You have to say the sentence first." He answered. My eyebrow raised in confusion. "But yesterday you never wished for a 'sentence'." I mumbled.

He didn't reply which caused you to sigh. "Alright... Ugm..... How do I do this?" I whispered to myself. "Ugm... Abra cadabra open the dora?" I said, unsure.

He didn't reply again so you tired one more time. "Bipidy Bapidy Boo, I'll open the door for you?" I asked, still unsure. Again, he didn't reply.

Then suddenly, I closed my eyes and said, "Mirror, Mirror fair and bright, come and show me your real sight." A golden liquid came out of the mirror and formed into a man.

"You're learning." He said. "I was trying my best for it to rhyme." I replied. He just chuckled as a response. "What would you like to do?" He asked.

I tapped my chin and looked at the ceiling. "Aha! Let's visit my mom and aunt! I would love to meet them." I replied excitedly. He nodded. "Place your hand on the middle of the mirror." He said

I placed my hand and it slowly went inside, taking my whole body in. "Wait, aren't you going to come?" I asked. "No. I'll meet you when you get back here." He replied.

I nodded and closed my eyes. I went out of the mirror and when I opened it, I was in the castle again. But this time, it was darker and scarier.

I slowly walked. My slippers tapping the floor in every move I make. "H-hello? Is... is anybody here?" I asked, kind of scared that I'm in this situation.

"Who are you?" A female's voice asked. I looked behind me and saw a woman in her mid- 30's with white hair, blue gown and an ice like crown.

"I'm looking for my mother." I replied. She looked at me in confusion. "Your mother? How can your mother be in here? In the mirror?" She asked.

I shrugged. "Her name is Freya." I added. That's when her eyes widened. "Come with me." She whispered and ran. I ran behind her and followed her.

She lead me to a room. It was the living room. There was a fire place, two seats with one table and a chess board on top of the table.

It was still dark but the fire was lightening the place up a bit. "Sit down." She commanded. I sat down on the first seat while she sat down on the opposite one.

"What's your name?" She asked. "Y/n. Y/n Stark. But... Stark is just the last name of the family that adopted me." I replied. She nodded. "How did you get here?" She asked again.

"The mirror brought me here. He said I can find my real mother here." I answered. "And your mother's name is Freya?" She asked in which I nodded as an answer.

"May I ask, who are you?" I asked. "I mean... What's your name?" I added, looking at her ice like eyes. She was looking at my features, face and body. Like she was scanning me.



"I'm Freya."

♠A/n: Hi guys! I hope you liked this one. I'm currently making a Davial x reader Imagines. I still do not know if I should make a James Conrad or Tom Hiddleston x reader. I'll decide sooner enough. Anyways, I hope you liked and enjoyed this chapter and I'll meet ya at the next one. Byerzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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