♠Chapter Twenty-Five♠

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Chapter Twenty-Five: A Magical Vacation



"Welcome to my castle."

Athena and Catty's eyes were wide open. "Your Castle? Y/n please tell me that you're kidding me right now." Athena said. I bit my lip and shook my head.

"No. This is literally my Castle." I replied. Athena gave me a death glare. "You have serious explaining to do." Athena said. I nodded and looked at the mirror.

"Alright. But first, G.M, I know that you hear me right now. Can you please turn the mirror... er... yourself invisible for... one and a half months? Just to make sure no one sees you in my room? " I asked G.M

"Of course." He replied. I smiled and looked back at the girls. "Alright. Let's go out on the forest for a walk and I'll explain everything." I said. Athena and Catty nodded and the three of us started walking.

I told them about my real parents, my aunt, how I found out about them, how I got the mirror, and the reason why I'm a princess..... well.... queen.

"So, hold up. You mean that you're a queen and this is your castle? Awesome!" Catty exclaimed. I chuckled. "I know. But, this is not the real castle. It's just a replica of the real one. We're actually inside the mirror." I replied.

"Oh wow. Your life is so magical it's unreal." Athena said, flabbergasted. "Okay. Now that you know that, do you girls wants to meet my mom and aunt?" I asked.

Athena and Catty squealed. "Yes!" They both replied in unison. I smiled and lead them back to the castle. "I think they're in the chess room." I whispered.

I entered the room and saw aunt Rave and mom playing chess near intensely. "Surprise!" I whisper-yelled. Mom stood up and hugged me. So did aunt Rave.

"So, how's the real world?" Mom asked. I sighed and sat on one seat. "Well, I guess you're right mom. Loki did cheat on me." I answered.

Aunt Rave's eyes widened but it disappeared and was replaced with a smirk. "I was the one who told you that love was weakness. I decided to play along with Freya that time." She said.

I gave an 'oh' and a little nod. "Mom, aunt, I... brought a few friends. They'll stay here for a month and a half. With me of course. They got cheated by their boyfriends too. I just thought to bring them here with me. You know. Cause this place is peaceful." I said.

Aunt Rave looked at my mom. They both sighed and looked at me with a smile. "Where are they?" Mom asked. "Athena? Catty? You can come out now." I yelled.

Athena and Catty came out with a shy smile and gave out a small wave. "Hello your highnesses." They both bowed shyly. My mom and aunt both chuckled in delight.

"Please. No need to be so formal. Call me Freya." My mom said. "Call me Rave. And please, no need to bow." Aunt Rave said. "Wow. The last time you really liked it when someone bowed at you." Mom teased and sat down.

Aunt Rave just rolled her eyes and sat back at her seat. Athena and Catty stood on the side of the wall akwardly. I stood up and went to the both of them.

"Can you guys stop being shy? Jeez. My mom and aunt are good people. Come on. Talk to them." I suggested. "Y/n, what's wrong?" Mom asked. "Nothing mom. Catty and Athena are just shy that's all." I answered.

My mom giggled. "Dears, don't be shy. There's no need to be. Treat us like were your second mother and aunt." My mom said. Athena and Catty looked at each other and smiled.

"Of course Freya. We're sorry. We just can't believe that were standing in front of royalty." Catty said. Aunt Rave smiled and moved one chess knight. "Checkmate." She whispered.

Mom smiled and stood up. "You just got lucky." My mom said. Aunt Rave chuckled. "Whatever Freya. Come on girls. Let's eat dinner. Freya cooked ham and it tastes good." Aunt Rave said.

Athena and Catty nodded and followed my mom and aunt go to the royal dining room. "Y/n, thank you. For letting Catty and I experience this." Athena thanked.

I giggled. "We didn't even do anything yet." I said while giggling. "We know. But still, thank you." She added. I nodded as we entered the dining room and started to eat dinner.


I decided to bring Y/n her dinner in a silver tray because she hasn't eaten anything yesterday and today. I have also decided to start my pranking on Sigyn tomorrow.

I want her to think that she's welcome. When she does, It'll be the start of her daily suffering. Never underestimate the prankster king. Me, of course.

I knocked on Y/n's door twice and waited for her to open it. When she didn't, I knocked once again and said, "Y/n, I'll open the door okay?" When I opened it, I dropped the tray.

I went inside and opened the light. "Y/n? Where are you? Stop joking around!" I practically yelled. I have also noticed that the golden mirror that I gave her was gone.

I turned around to see a letter pinned at the back of her door. I opened it and it said,

Dear Tony,

        Athena, Catty and I finally decided to go on a vacation somewhere peaceful. Please do not worry. We'll come back as soon as we have cleared our minds. I just wanted to escape the pain that has been locking me up all theses years and has been added by Loki. Athena and Catty decided to come with me because they wanted to have their minds cleared too. One more thing, please don't kill Loki, Thor and Steve when they come back. It's not their fault that the girls and I aren't enough for the three of them. We'll see you soon.

               Y/n, Athena and Catty

A tear dropped on one of my eyes and my hand balled to a fist. Natasha, Clint and Bruce ran in the room and asked me on what happened.

I gave them the letter and sat on Y/n's bed. Natasha broke down to tears while Clint punched the wall which caused a slightly small crack on it. Bruce bit his lip and tried his best not to hulk out.

"Want to help me make Sigyn's stay here in the tower a living hell?" I asked the group with a mischievous and angry glint on my eyes. The three of them grinned and replied one answer.

"With pleasure."

A/n: Hi guys! Ugh! I fell so sleepy but every time I try to sleep I just can't! I almost clicked the reboot button yesterday. In relief, the phone just restarted. Tough luck huh? Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter and I'll see you at the next one! Byerzzzzzzzzz!

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