Chapter 11: Happy Trails?

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The PR train left the station at full steam. Within hours, a photo of a smiling Amelia pushing a baby stroller and the ensuing tidbits about Jamie as a happy husband and father started to circulate. They made sure I was papped leaving Vancouver and arriving in NY. For good measure, they circulated someone's Instagram picture of me and Olivia at a bar when a friend of mine, who happens to be male, rich, and handsome stopped to say hello. In the tabloids, I had a potential love interest. In reality, he was at the bar to buy a drink for his girlfriend and simply visited with us while he waited.

In spite of the paparazzi shenanigans, Jamie and I have been able to settle into somewhat of a routine. We spend time together shopping, hiking, exploring the city, or enjoying his girls – who arrived about a month ago. The agreement with the local paps was that we would be left alone when not on a scheduled appearance, and they were paid enough to stick to it. Vancouver is a very film friendly town, locals are good about respecting your privacy. If you don't do something to call attention to yourself, most people leave you alone.

We are all heaving a huge sigh of relief that we are done with exterior shootings. The risk of pictures being taken and leaked drops to nil, and Jamie and I can relax as we work. The cast and crew know the score, thanks to their hyped up NDA. Most worked with us on the first film and express, either openly or covertly, support for us and delight that we have finally found our way to each other.

Today we are filming the aftermath of the infamous scene where he fingers me in a packed elevator. I hated filming that particular scene. For once, my body was completely covered while filming a sexual scenario, but I had a hard time with that one. Maybe because there were so many people watching, and it was a strange environment – it didn't feel like an elevator. And don't get me started on Jamie and his roving fingers. He took delight in making it a little TOO realistic. I was extremely hot and bothered after that, and irritated at him for being a little shit and exposing my obvious weakness and arousal to others while he got to be smug and reasonably detached. The makeup people were constantly having to powder my face and neck to play down my constant sexual flush that turned my skin bright pink.


It's bright and early on a Wednesday morning and I'm reflecting with a grin that I get to start my day filming a scene where I kiss Dakota passionately in an elevator and then jack her against the wall. Not a hard deal for me at all. Acting? Schmacting!

Foley approaches us as makeup finishes adjusting Dakota's hair. "Okay. Remember this is the heated aftermath of Christian arousing Ana in the elevator. You're arriving back to the apartment and both are ready to take things to their natural conclusion. Get your head back into the foreplay that has already happened and give me the heat that would be the culmination of that foreplay." He raises his eyebrows at us with a little smirk, "Think you can do that?"

Like twins, we grin back at him and simply nod.

He backs off and takes his place by the camera. "Actors take your mark – position."

I pull Dakota into my arms with one around her shoulders and the other holding her ass. I can't resist a gentle squeeze as I smile at her. She blows me a subtle kiss and waits for her cue.


We sink into each other for a kiss that quickly escalates to bone melting. As the doors open, I walk her backward and press her against the wall. I can't help but dip down and grind myself into her. She moans and sucks harder on my tongue. A buzzing sound happens, which is my cue to break away to answer my phone.

She protests, as she is supposed to, except for one minor detail.

"Jamie, you can't be serious."

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