Chapter 16: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

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A/N: I know I said we were going to France, but the muse descended and we decided to take a detour. Hope you will forgive me. As a reminder, this is a work of fiction- not a factual recounting. I'm MAKING IT UP so please don't get upset if I take some liberty with reality.  Virtual hugs to Robin for the review and encouragement!


Today is the type of day that makes me grateful for my job. We're filming on The Grace and Dakota and I are both relishing being outside on a glorious day, away from the prying eyes of paparazzi and fans, and with a smaller crew than normal. Foley invited Melanie to come along for the day, which suits both me and Dakota quite well. She enjoys any time with her Mom, and I'm hoping to get a few minutes with her alone to run an idea by her.

Amelia dropped a few hints about how much she and Dulcie would enjoy sailing, but luckily, nobody picked up on it. Having her here would completely change the tone. Right now, it's relaxed and upbeat. Melanie has been around the block enough to know how to 'be' on a live set. She is kind to everyone and stays well out of the way. If Amelia were here, I have no doubt she would dump Dulcie onto an unsuspecting crew member and would then do her best to insinuate herself into every situation possible. My skin crawls just thinking about it. She is determined to get a credit somehow on one of these movies, even if it's as an extra.

We just wrapped the phone call scene and Dakota and I are cuddled up on the rear facing love seat watching the water. Foley called for a fifteen minute break so the crew can reposition the boat for an aerial scene. Neither Dakota nor I bother to move. We settle even deeper into the seat, enjoying the view, and some quiet time together. The crew seems to sense our intimate bubble and nobody speaks to us, they just work around us quickly and efficiently.

Heads together, I ask her softly, "How would you like to do something like this for a honeymoon?"

She snuggles in closer to kiss my neck and then lean her head against my shoulder. "Ummmm.....sounds like heaven. It's probably crazy expensive though. I'd be perfectly happy to go hole up in the mountains with you in some exclusive cabin with no internet. Or maybe we go to one of those little known Caribbean islands where we can be the only guests. Honestly? If you're there and nobody bothers us, I'll love it."

I wrap my arms tighter around her. "I'm living for that day, sweetheart."

Foley approaches us with a small smile, "Sorry to disturb, but it's going to take them about ten more minutes to get us in the right position. Dakota, hair and makeup would like to touch you up a bit."

She hops right up. "You bet. I'll go right down." She turns to plant a light kiss on my lips. "Love you."

Foley shakes his head and smiles as he moves away. "You two, I swear. I better be invited to the wedding someday."

Just as I make a move to get up, Melanie comes around the corner with a big smile on her face. "This day could not be any more perfect." She leans in to kiss my cheek, "How are you, sweet boy?"

I love how she mothers me. I kiss her back and invite her to sit with me. "I'm glad we have a few minutes alone. I wanted to run something by you and get your opinion."

She gives me a nod and a smile and keeps her eyes on mine. I clear my throat and wind up the courage to ask, "I have my Mother's diamond from her engagement ring and I was thinking of using that as the centerpiece for Dakota's ring. How do you think she would feel about that?"

Her eyes go wide and she sits up straighter. "What about your sisters? Would they have hard feelings about you using their mother's diamond this way?"

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