Chapter 17: C'est Fait

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A/N: Sorry for the delay in posting. I think I was dragging my heels because I knew this would be the last chapter of this story and I'll be sorry to let this one go. It's been a fun ride and I thank all of you for it. Your kind words, your votes, your messages, have all meant the world to me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have a few short stories coming, and maybe another long one. We'll see..... Thank you again for your very kind support, encouragement, and engagement along the way! Big Damie hug to you all!


I am itching to get to the marina to see if I can find Dakota. It's been four long days since she left, and we parted on less than wonderful terms. While she understands my situation and that some things are out of my control, it still hurts her. And hurting her kills me. I'm hoping the fact that there wasn't a 'happy family' picture posted helps – there was just a photo of me and a comment about my lovely family. Ha. That flight attendant must have gotten a payoff from Trevor because Amelia was anything but lovely during the flight.

But now I'm here and I'm shaking off the bad feelings and looking forward to finding my girl. I know Dakota is doing the Staud shoot today, so I'm wandering the marina to try to find her and Grace. I find a picturesque spot and sit down while I wait for her to return my text.

While I'm looking forward to filming with her in this incredible environment, I'm also dreading the final day when we have to part. Even though it's not forever, I've been spoiled by having her in my life every day. She is my life. I can't bear the thought of being parted from her for long periods of time. I want us to establish some ground rules so that we never spend more than two weeks apart, we talk every day, and get fucking married as soon as possible. I am fearful that I need her more than she needs me. She has a strong family and friend network. She can probably live without me easier than I can live without her and that makes me feel positively ill. The caveman in me wants to lock her down as soon as I can. But I want her to want it just as desperately.

Right as my leg starts twitching, my phone goes off with her ringtone – I've Been Waiting for a Girl Like You by Foreigner. "Hey beautiful! I'm here. Where are you?"

She chuckles before replying, "Just across the way, but you have to leave."

I stand up and frown, "Why?"

"Because pictures of you have already been posted to social media and there is speculation about why you are at the marina without your family. Go back to the hotel and we'll meet you there in a couple hours."

My feet start stomping back the way I came and I can't help but grumble, "Fucking social media." I take a deep breath before continuing, "I've missed you baby – I can't wait to see you."

She sighs, "Ohhhh, me too! We'll be done soon. I'll meet you in my suite and we can do a room service night."

I smile as my dick twitches in my pants, "Now we're talking. I like your version of room service." I can't help but think back to our room service dates.

She clears her throat, "Remember I have Grace with me, so this version of room service requires us to sit at the table, with ALL of our clothes on, and consume more than chocolate and wine."

My dick settles right down. "Hmmmmm kay. What room are you girls in?"

"Thanks to Olivia, you are right across the hall from us. And your family is six floors down and on the opposite end of the hotel."

"Remind me to tell Olivia how much I love her."

"And our suite is a split plan so the living space is between my bedroom and Grace's. Just in case you're feeling noisy."

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