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That night, my mother wouldn't speak to me so I cooked dinner (ramen noodles and a side of steamed carrots) in silence.

When I brought her food up on a TV tray she refused to look at me as I passed it to her. She only mumbled a "Thank you." and pushed me out of her little world.

I sighed and walked out of her room, closing the door behind me.

Once I got into the kitchen, my bowl of noodles sat on the counter, fruit flies swarming over it and I suddenly felt full so I wrapped it up and put it in the fridge.

Dirty dishes were cluttering up the kitchen so I washed them all and washed the counters. Satisfied with my work, I went into the living room and surfed through TV shows but nothing caught my interest.

Defeated, I shut off the TV and lay my head back on the cushions.

I dozed off...

I was walking through the dense forest, birds chirping high in the treetops. Bees swarmed around the wild flowers that grew in random spots.

I came to a small clearing. My father stood in the centre, smiling.

"Dad?' I asked in disbelief.

"Jason." He walked slowly towards me, practically floating above the ground. Once he approached me, he took my hands into his, grasping them tightly. His hands were so cold! I tried pulling them away in surprise, but somehow he held on tightly,

"What...what..." I sputtered. I didn't know what to say.

"Jason. How are you?" He asked.

" need to come back. Everything is hectic. Moms depressed all the time. I don't think I can handle it anymore." I rambled on.

"Jason. You're never there for your mother. You're too caught up in your own greed to care." He said. He didn't sound mad. Just...sad.

"I am so there Dad. You're not there. You don't know." I was getting agitated. He had no right to say that.

He put one hand on my cheek. It felt cold on my clammy cheek. I shuddered.

"You push your mother away. I told you to take care of her."

"I-" I started.

He cut me off. "Let's face it. Carmen Elkes is not the girl for you. She is just fine without you. Someone else needs your love and protection." He said.

"Who?" I asked.

He let go of me and turned to walk away. And leave me.

"Dad! Please don't go. I need you!" I screamed.

He didn't answer. He walked silently away until he disappeared.

"DAD!" I yelled. "I can't do this without you. Please stay, I need you here."

He didn't come back and didn't answer.

An image of Natalia Monroe popped up in my head.

I shot up on the couch, breathing hard. The fabric of the blanket I didn't remember grabbing, clung to my moist skin. I rubbed the sweat that was dripping off my forehead before laying back and looking at the clock that hung on the wall over the couch.

Tick tick tick. The clock kept ticking away. Getting louder and louder.

I covered my face with my hands. Tick tick tick.

'AAAAAAAARRRRGH!" I yelled. I stood up and practically ran up to my bedroom and slammed the door. Then I stood in front of my door, listening for the obnoxious ticking from the clock. Finally it was silent.

I lay in bed but couldn't get back to sleep. Natalia's face kept popping up in my head.

Standing up in frustration, I glanced around my room looking for a hoodie. I saw my favorite black Adidas one and slid it on. I grabbed my car keys.

Once I stepped outside, the air felt chilly reminding me of my father's hand. I shuddered.

I pressed a button on my remote starter for my car and the convertible roared to life.

I hopped inside and drove around town. Natalia's face still kept popping into my head. Damn, was she pretty. Prettier than Ariel who for some reason, was the most popular of the three. Actually no, Natalia wasn't pretty; she was friggen beautiful.

I had to break up with Carmen. I already had a feeling she cheated on me a few times but I didn't care because I needed someone to take my mind off my crappy life. Now I didn't want her. I wanted Natalia. Who seemed to hate my guts. Oh, well. I could fix that. Once I showed her my flirty side she wouldn't be able to resist my irresistable charm.

I chuckled to myself.

I would work on getting her to like me tomorrow.

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