×Chapter 18×

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I slid my bracelet around my wrist before looking in the full-length mirror leaned against the pink wall right beside my door. I glanced in the mirror at my reflection and frowned. I was such an ordinary girl. I wish I looked like Ariana Grande or someone else who was famous. But no matter how much I wished, it would never happen. I shook my head and fixed the string on my black bikini.

Someone knocked on my door. "Who is it?" I called out.


I sighed. Hopefully she wasn't coming in to cause more drama. "Come in."

She turned the knob and slowly opened the door. As she entered, I saw she was wearing a bathrobe. A disgusted look flashed on her face.

"What?" I asked, defensively.

"Uncle Matt still hasn't painted your walls a different color." She said in a baby voice.

"Shut up. It's not like I come here often." I said.

"You must come here often enough. You have your own room." She said. Alyssa sounded jealous.

"Alyssa, I haven't been here since I was three. The last time I saw Matt was like, five years ago. And it wasn't even here. My parents and I bumped into him at a grocery store." I said trying to comfort her.

"Well, now that he has tons of money, you should give this room a makeover." Alyssa sat on my bed which was covered by a black and pink striped comforter. She toyed with a loose thread.

"What did you need?" I asked, desperate to change the subject. The truth was, I liked the room the way it was.

"I was just wondering...instead of going in the hot tub, do you want to go to a club I just found out about?" She asked.

"A club? Why?"

"Just something new to do. I feel like being daring." She said, mischieviously.

"Well, you go be your daring self. I don't think thats such a good idea. We're not even old enough." I said. "What about Jake?"

"I only pretended to like Jake. He isn't my type. Too prissy." She said, laughing like that was the funniest thing ever. I thought it was just plain mean. "And who cares if we're old enough of not? Ever heard of fake ID?"

"I don't know Alyssa." I said. I didn't want to go but I'd rather go there than go in the hot tub and listen to her and Ariel bickering the whole time.

"Come on, Natalia. Live a little."

"Fine." I said, hardly believing that I just said that.

Alyssa couldn't either but she jumped up off the bed and waltzed over beside me and checked herself out in the mirror. "We totally have to change first though. She wnt over to my closet and pulled out a black one shoulder mini dress and black heels. "Wear this." Without waiting for my reaction, she walked out.


We walked through the double doors, humid air and loud techno music hit us. Sweaty bodies were dancing everywhere and people were holding the drinks high over their heads.

We went over to a table and sat down on the bar stools. "What do you want to drink?" Alyssa asked.

"Nothing right now." I said, looking around. There was a band playing on the stage now and they sounded pretty good. Then I realized who they were. 5 Seconds of Summer. "Holy crap." I muttered.

"What?" Alyssa asked. She followed my gaze to the stage. "Damn. They're friggen hot!" she exclaimed.

"Do you think Matt's here?" I asked.

"Wait...is THAT 5 Minutes of Spring or whatever?" She asked widening her eyes.

I raised an eyebrow. "It's 5 Seconds of Summer." I said correcting her.

"If Matt is here, we better leave immediately." She exclaimed. She stood abruptly and started toward the door we entered from.

I ran to catch up with her and once I did, I grabbed her arm. "Wait. Didn't you say that you felt daring?"

She turned to look at me and raised her eyebrows. "Yeah?"


"Well what? I don't feel like getting in crap by our uncle. Sure, he's pretty cool but he'll probably lose his cool when he finds out we used a fake ID to get into a twenty-one and over club!" she freaked.

Thats when I saw the lettering on a far wall. Written in swirly purple writing it said, 16 AND OLDER. "Holy crap. Alyssa LOOK!" I pointed at the lettering and her eyes followed. They widened when she saw the words.

"Well, those IDs were pointless, eh?" she started to laugh. I laughed along with her. "Let's go find Matt." She said and grabbed my wrist pulling me through the crowd. Now that we looked closely, most of the people there looked too young to be twenty one. I smirked. We tossed our ID's in a trashcan when we passed one.

We got to the backstage entrance and Alyssa rapped on the door. The cute blonde guy with the lip piercing that was in the band swung the door. Once he saw us he smiled seductively. "What can I do for you?" He asked and winked. It was hard to look away from his blue eyes. They were just so...BLUE! "Matt Emsell please?" she asked. He smiled and opened the door wider.

"Come in ." We waltzed in. I ran my fingers through my hair self-consciously. I probably looked like crap.

Who cares. Jason loves me just the way I am.

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