×Chapter 6×

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I was standing at my locker with it wide open, rummaging around the top shelf for a paper I needed for English. Erika walked up and leaned against the locker beside mine.

"Hey." I said. I stopped looking for the paper to glance at her.

"Hey. Guess what?" She replied.

"What" I asked, throwing my hands up in the air, pretending to be excited. "Did Emblem3 follow you back on Twitter? "

She swatted my arm. "No!" She exclaimed. "Your little boy toy is in jail."

I stared at her, confused. "What?"

"Jason McCann is in jail." She said, saying his name with emphasis.

"Are you serious?" I exclaimed, dumbfounded.

"Yes. He was caught drag racing on the freeway."

"Oh. Cool." I said. I went back to looking for my paper.

"What?" Now Erika was confused. "I thought you liked him!

"I don't know, Erika." I said, sighing. I finally found the paper and slammed my locker closed.

"I also heard he broke up with Carmen."

"Don't believe everything you hear." I replied with a straight face. I tried to hold in my happiness.

She crossed her arm and raised an eyebrow. "Really."

I smiled and walked away. I waltzed into the bathroom and stopped dead in my tracks.

Carmen was standing at the bathroom mirror, smoking a cancer stick and checking herself out. She glanced my way. Once she saw me standing there she glowered and turned away. I walked into a bathroom stall and sat on the toilet seat lid waiting for her to leave. A few minutes past and I was about to open the stall door and face my death when I heard stilettos clicking against the linoleum floor and the bathroom door opening and being slammed closed.

I opened the stall door slowly and peeked out. Carmen was nowhere in sight. I breathed a sigh of relief and walked over to the sinks. Then I gasped.

'Stay Away From Jason' was written on the bathroom mirror in black eyeliner. I quickly washed my hands and walked out before Carmen decided to come back in and poke my eyes out with the eyeliner.

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