×Chapter 15×

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After my encounter with the three guys behind Chifton Mart, I watched my back when I went back home. They never did tell me what they wanted. Except that I was taking the place of my father.

Once I walked in the door of my house I noticed my mother sitting at the island on a stool with her chin propped on her hands. There was a red coffee mug sitting in front of her, steam billowing out the top.

'Hey, Mom.' I called out quietly.

She jumped slightly and turned to look at me. "Jason McCann, where in God's name have you been?"

"I just had to go do some errands." I said. I didn't want to tell her what really happened because my father was involved. That would be sure to keep her locked up in her room for a week. Plus she would freak out and worry about me. I didn't need that.

"Really. I've been sitting here fretting over whether you are okay or not. You don't even bother to tell me goodbye or anything!" My mother spoke loudly.

I stared at her in shock. She hadn't yelled at me like this since my father died. It's like I was watching her finally wake up for the first time in 7 years.

She must have noticed the look on my face because she said no more and swiveled in her stool. She slowly picked up the mug my the handle and took a long drink.

"Mom. Are you okay?" I asked quietly afraid to speak louder.

"Just fine, Jason." She said and put her hand up. "You may go now."

I shook my head in disbelief and went up the stairs to my bedroom. Once I entered, I threw myself on my bed and closed my eyes...

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