×Chapter 19×

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Jason POV
I spent the day in my house afraid to go outside and I was glad to know that the guys who had attacked me didn't know where I lived.

The sun had set and now I was watching 'justified' which was a really weird cowboy show. My phone sat beside me on the couch, face down. I was waiting for someone to call me. Those guys, Natalia, anybody.

I missed Natalia like he'll but was afraid to call her because I knew by the tone of my voice, she would know something was wrong and would come straight home. I didn't want her to get hurt.

I bounced my knee restlessly and picked up ny phone and glanced at the screen. No new messages. I sighed and stood up, stretching.

I might as well go to bed, u thought. I looked down at my phone in my hand and tossed it on the couch. That would just keep me awake.

"Jase?" my mom called to me from te top of the stairs.

I walked over to the stairs. "Yes?" I asked.

"I'm going to bed now." She said.

"Yeah. I think I am too." I looked down at the stairs and saw an ant crawling on the third step. I squished it with my shoe.

"Oh. don't you have homework?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nope." Total lie. I had to do a four page essay for English.

"Okay well. g'night." she whispered and turned away from the stairs and walked back to her room.

I sighed and looked back at my phone. I don't need that stupid thing, I thought.

I jogged up the stairs and went into my room. My mothers light was already out.

I laid down on my bed and crossed my arms behind my head.
I had probably laid there for about 20 minutes when I heard a loud bang. I jumped up in bed and looked at my door which I had closed.

I got up slowly and walked to my door opening it a crack. The door creaked loudly and I winced. I stood for a second and listened for any sounds from downstairs. Nothing.

I proceeded out my bedroom door and tiptoed down the hall. As I walked past my mothers room, I could hear her snoring softly inside.

I took a deep breath and walked down the stairs. Still hearing nothing, I figured that it was just my wild imagination. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs, I remembered that my iPhone was still on the couch. I made my way over to the couch, and looked on the couch. It wasa pitch black so I couldn't see a thing. I felt around on the vinyl seat and could not feel anything either.

Groaning, I turned around, and walked towards the light switch. I stubbed my toe on the corner of the couch.

I whisper-screamed. I continued to the light switch and felt along the wall feeling for it. Then I touched something warm and bulky. I stepped back quickly and squinted my eyes.


No answer.

All of a sudden, I felt a sharp jab in the back of my head. I yelled and got pushed to the floor. Someone kicked me in the head, making me yell again.

A hand pushed on the back of my neck and I squirmed trying to push the hand away. It didn;t budge.

"Get away from me!" I screamed.

Another pair of hands wrapped a cloth around my head tightly and tied it. I got lifted off the ground, my hands being held behind my back. I tried to shove at the person behind me.

"What do you want?" I cried.

"Our payment." a gruff voice whispered in my ear.

I kicked behind me and hit something solid. The person yelped.

They pushed me towards what was probably the door and shoved me through it into the cool night air.

'Jason?" I heard my mother call behind me, sounding scared,

"Mom." I yelled back and tried to pull out of the persons grasp. They held onto me tightly.

"JASON!" my mother called again, more urgently and she started to sob.

The front door slammed and I got pulled down the sidewalk. I was held for a moment against a car.

"Let's shove him in the trunk." one of the guys said.

The other guy didn't answer and I heard keys jingling.

I got pushed into the trunk, and the trunk door slammed shut.

I pushed the blindfold off my face and banged on the door franticly.

"Let me out!" I yelled.

I felt like the walls were closing in on me. I started to breathe hard.

Claustrophobic. Thats what I was. And I was stuck inside my own personal nightmare with no way out.

I covered my face with my hands and started to sob.

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