×Chapter 17×

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That night we all ate pizza at the dining room table in silence. And I swear to God, Alyssa's foot touched mine two dozen times, thinking it was Jake's who was sitting beside me.

After we all finished up, Jake yawned loudly. Erika rolled her eyes. Not noticing, Jake said, "Do you all want to go into the hot tub?"

"Hot tub?" Ariel asked. "You have a hot tub?"

"Well, its not mine. It's Matt's. But he told me to basically let you guys do what you want as long as you don't wreck the house." He said.

"Well, he should let us do what we want. We're not five, you know." Ariel said, obviously angry.

"You sure about that?" Jake asked waggling his eyebrows.

"You want a punch?" Ariel threatened, and stood up, her hand clenched into a fist winding up to hit him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He said, mocking her.

"Why not?" She asked quietly trying to control her anger.

"Because you wouldn't be able to hurt me." He started to laugh and snort really loudly.

Erika, Ariel and I all glanced at each other and burst into laughter as well. "Oh my god! What kind of laugh is that?" Ariel cried.

Jake's face turned beet red and he turned and walked out of the room. "Come into the hot tub if you want." He said so quietly we almost couldn't hear him.

Alyssa glared at us. "What the hell?! Control your anger, Ariel!"

"You're the only one stupid enough to like that phony jerk!" Ariel said loudly.

"You barely even know the guy! How the hell would you know if he's phony or not?"

"You don't either!" Ariel said her eyes raised.

"Whatever. You guys suck." Alyssa muttered. As she walked away she muttered something else that we couldn't catch.

"She is such a pain!" Ariel exclaimed.

"Just a bit." Erika said.

"Well, do you guys want to go in the hot tub?" I asked.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm not going to let those jerkfaces ruin my time here. I'm going in the hot tub." Ariel said. With that, she walked out of the room and up the stairs to her guest bedroom.

"Is it just me or do you think Ariel and Alyssa aren't going to get along that well?" Erika asked

"I don't know Erika." I said quietly. We followed Ariel up the stairs.



The next morning, I woke up to an annoying bird chirping in a tree right outside my bedroom window. As I opened my eyes, all the events from the day before came rushing back.

I sat up quickly in my bed and scanned my room for my cell phone. It was sitting on my dresser on the other side of the room. Groaniong, I stood up slowly and walked over to my dresser. Picking up my cell phone I turned it on and saw that I had no new texts.

I breathed a sigh of relief and laid back down.

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