×Chapter 20×

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Natalia POV
Once we walked through the door, the guy with the bandanna introduced himself as 'Ashton or Ash, whatever we preferred' and I could hear Alyssa who stuck close to my side, sigh as if she was in love.

Three other guys behind Ash were sprawled out on beanbag chairs. Two were staring at their iPhone screens while the third one, who had red hair (i thought I saw him with purple hair the last time I saw him at the club I went to with Jason) was rifling through a unicorn backpack.

Ash looked back at them. "Guys, we've got company."

The dark skinned one looked up first and when he saw us, he stood up.

"Hey, I'm Calum." he said winking at us.

I looked away self consciously and thought of Jason. I really missed him.

Alyssa replied with a flirty voice, "Hey I'm Alyssa." she poked his Blink-182 tee playfully. "Nice tee."

"Thanks." He smiled. "Want to come sit down?"

"Sure-" she started.

I interrupted, "I'm sorry but we can't stay. where is Matt?"

"Matt Emsell?" he asked. "Why, do you know him?"

"He's our uncle." Alyssa answered for me. "and we can totally stay to wait for him.'

"Wait for who?" a gruff voice said behind us making me jump and Alyssa turn around.

"Matt!" she exclaimed.

As I turned she went in for a hug. Matt had a huge grin on his face.

"You guys made it!" he exclaimed. he held out a hand motioning for md to hug him too.

"Of course we did." I said and held back. I hated his hugs because he never let go for at least 10 minutes and it was just weird.

He put down his hand and squeezed Alyssa tighter. she yelped and tried to pull away but his grip was too firm.

"Okay uncle. Time to let go." she said half jokingly.

He let go. "Did you meet the band?" he asked gesturing to the guys.

"I only got two names" Alyssa said and smiled at Calum, batting her eyelashes.
"Lemme guess. The two anti social ones on the chairs?" he asked.

"Yep." I said. I caught Ashton smiling at me and I looked down. he was pretty cute, but I loved Jason too much to let him go.

"Michael, Luke! get over here."

I noticed that one of them was the guy that grabbed my hand at the club. His blue eyes were intense.

He glanced at me and recognition flashed in his eyes which was surprising considering he probably grabbed thousands of hands after mine. Or maybe not.

"I'm Luke. Nice to meet you guys." he said.

"You look like you surf." I said.

Ashton burst out laughing and Luke glanced at him, shaking his head.

I blushed, embarrassed.

"That's what I thought." Ashton said.

"Oh." Okay, so maybe it was an inside joke.

Ashton put his hand up for me to high five.

I stared at it, not moving.

He put his hand down and cleared his throat.

I immediately felt bad.

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