×Chapter 8×

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Jason and I ended up going to the only teen club in the city, Dropping Daisies, and a new band, 5 Seconds Of Summer, was playing. We ended up at the front of the crowd, near the stage. When they finally came out, there was some whistling from the crowd and I could see that the lead singer was gorgeous. He had blonde spiked hair and his lip was pierced. He started to sing 'Heartbreaker Girl'. At onbe point during the song he kneeled down and grabbed my hand. His blue eyes burned into mine making me feel like I was on fire. Jason put a hand firmly on the small of my back. He looked at Jason and immediately stood up, still singing.

Once they finished, Jason went up to the drummer -a hippie looking dude who was also gorgeous, more my type too- and asked if he could give it a shot. The drummer slowly nodded his head.

Jason entered the stage and there were some screams from the back of the room. Someone yelled, 'Hottie!'. Jason smiled and started to sing. The audience fell silent and his angelic voice floated through the air. His eyes were locked with mine, like he was entering my soul, lifting me higher and higher off the ground. It was like he knew me better than I knew myself.

"Oh, cause you deserve the best, and nothing but the best. So I give you the best you've ever had. Imma put you down..." He sang into the mic.

A tear rolls down my cheek. I didn't know he could sing so well. He was so amazing!

He ends the song and the room is silent. Then suddenly the crowd erupts in applause and most of the girls are screaming. Jason struts off stage and people pat him on the back as he passes them.

Once he reaches me, I can barely breathe. "Th-that w-was-" I stuttered.

He puts a finger to my lips and replaces it with his own. He gently rubs his tongue against my lips, asking for permission. I part my lips slightly and his tongue enters and melts with mine. I let out a quiet groan and almost go wobbly in the knees. It takes all my strength to keep from falling.

Once we part, his eyes are twinkling like little stars.


I realized that night that I was in love with Natalia. I decided I had to tell her. Nobody knew except for my mother who didn't understand that well, in my mind. I even kept my secret from my short term ex-girlfriend, Carmen. I didn't want her ruining this for Natalia and I.

Not long after I went onstage we left the club and I brought her home. We drove to her house in comfortable silence. Once I pulled into her driveway, she leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Thank you." she whispered. I smiled but said nothing and she got out of the car. I watched her walk up the steps and go into her apartment.

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