Chapter 9

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Hey guys. well the other chapter was shorter than I thought......sorry about that. well thank you for the people that is still sticking with the story and those who voted, it means a a lot. Hope you guys like the story so far. Thanks guys.

Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes........... 


Hunter  P.O.V

I went towards the beach, where I saw Rebecca  helping out Sophie with the plates of food and setting them on the table. I turned to see that one of my little brother's friend was staring at Rebecca a way that no man that knows who my mate is, should be giving her that look. She is mine, well not fully mine, but soon she will. He must be one of Tyler's friend from the other pack that's coming over too. Tyler is a year younger than Sophie and I and his friends pack is close with my pack. There daughter Annie is soon to be Alpha for their pack. She's the same age as me. I don't think she found her mate yet and I also don't think that they know I found my mate. I bet my dad and my mom will tell them. They're so happy for me that I found my mate.

The rest of the Pack finally got here. Everyone was scattered around talking to one another. That's when I saw Tylers little friend talking to Rebecca. I swear if I see one little small sign of him pulling A move I will........never mind, I'll just go over there. 

Right when I took a step, Jake came up "well.....I see Brad's hitting on Rebecca over there" He nudges my arm "I'm surprise you never done anything yet." Jake said while turning to me. " I'm about to but I think he got the memo" I said back to Jake "and why's that?" He asked looking confused. 

"he faced flushed and hes now looking right at me, with a sorry look. Now he's backing away." I laughed while telling Jake that. He laughed too.

I went over there and wrapped my arms behind Rebeccas waist  and slowly picking her up "hey beautiful." I said wispering in her ear. She shivered so slightly when I said that. "who's is this?" she asked while turning around, still in my arms with a slight smile on her face. "Still playing hard to get I see." winking at her while I said that "who says I'm playing hard to get." She said while shrugging her shoulders "well, two can play at that game." I said while she was walking away. 

I kinda want to see if my little mate here gets jealous, but how am I suppose to do that. "hey Jake?" I said walking beside him "yeah?" he replied back "I kinda want to see if Rebecca gets jealous, do you have any idea's." I said looking at Jake. "well Annie helped me get a girl to go out with me, by making her jealous. She's quite a good actress, if you asked me" he said while smiling. 

Annie was walking right towards us. She can do the same thing that Susie can do, so I'm guessing that she just read my mind. 

Fuck she could of read what I think of Rebecca in that dress and when Brad was talking to Rebecca.

"sure I can help, If you want" she said while looking at me "ok" I replied back.

She took a piece of her hair and twirled it around her finger, while giggling loud enough for Rebecca can here. I looked over Annie's shoulder and I could see her face red while just giving me a glare. Then I thought I could play along, so Annie and I walked away towards the water. We went paced Rebecca and she just kept staring at us. She pushed me into the water. I was soaked. I looked over and saw Rebecca with Cory. He's in Annie's pack and he's in our grade. 

I saw thought Rebecca was trying to flirt with Cory, but it seemed like she thought it was a bit awkward. All of a sudden I asked Annie "Is it working?" she said "yes. You have a little jealous mate on you're hands.She hides it quiet well." while patting me on the back.

"uh oh" she said while turning to me. I looked over and saw Cory kissing Rebecca. Rebecca quickly backed up and ran away from Cory.

What the fuck. Why the hell would she kiss Cory. I was so mad and hurt, that even Jake came running over, because he saw the expiration on my face. Rebecca went right into my house. 

I ran after her as fast as I can. "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU KISS HIM!?" I asked Rebecca as loud as I could. Thank god we were the only two in the house.


She started to cry and was shacking. I guess she was scared of what happen and from me yelling at her. She went right pass me and went to the huge rick that was sitting still on the beach.

I'm still pist off at her kissing another freaking boy, but I can't see her hurt like that. The picture of her face of that hurt expiration was stuck in my head. 

I waled right passed her "hunter.......what are you doing." she said with a soft voice. You can still tell that she was crying. I went right into the woods. I heard foot steps coming right for me. I turned around and it was Rebecca. She slammed me to a tree trunk.

"I didn't kiss him! He kissed me! DON"T YOU BELIEVE ME?!" she yelled at me with tears coming from her face. "I don't care anymore, just leave me alone." I regret saying those words. She just looked even more hurt and slowly took her arm off of my chest and backed up. she just ran away after that.

Ashley P.O.V

When I met Riley I wouldn't have guess that he was my mate. I kept seeing him stare at me. When I was talking to Sophie and some of the other girls I heard someone behind me clearing his throat. I got taped on my shoulder and turned around. I just stood there looking at his blue eyes. They were just so gorgeous, I couldn't stop looking right into his eyes. He smiled then I smiled. DAMN. we are mates.

I don't know why but all of a sudden Riley just took me by the waist and then I wrapped my arms around his neck. The music was playing and at first I thought that we were about to dance, but we didn't...... He just kissed me. I kissed him back "hey there my little mate." I heard his deep voice saying that. "hello, wait slow down. no more kissy's now. You don't even know my name." I said while shaking my head a little.

"I do too. It's Ashley, and before you say it I'm not a creep, Hunter tolde me about you cause he saw our little bump into each other yesterday." He said while chuckling at my reaction. I knew I was blushig. Shit. he saw me blushed. "well then Riley,lets go sit down somewhere so we can get to know each other." I said while smiling "okay, but first how do you know my name?" He asked with an eyebrow up. "you're sister." I said winking and walking to a bench. "hey, is that all you talked about? or is there more?" He asked following me and took my hand.

He was about to kiss me again. Right when he was I saw Rebecca running and crying. She was gasping for air. She looked startled. Riley looked back after he saw my face.  He knew Rebecca from Hunter and we bothe ran to her. She fell on her knee's and I just sat right there for her. She wrapped her arms around me and then just balled her eyes out. Riley broke the silence "what happen?" he asked while looking around us, seeing if he could find Hunter

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