Chapter 22

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Hey guys! Hope you guys like the story so far :) If you guys like this story, you should check out my new story called 'New things, Too fast....' I seem to always have the dots in the story title.... I don't know why though. Anyways. Please VOTE, COMMENT and if you haven't yet become a FAN :) Thanks!

There's a picture of Susie Styles --------------------> (somewhere)

Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.........


Tristian's P.O.V

As we were going down stairs I reached my last step when Someone mind linked me 'Hunter........Are you okay? I love you.' It was Rebecca. 

I fell on my knee's when I heard that. Riley Tried to hold me up, but I just collaps. 'REBECCA?!......ARE YOU OKAY?!' I mind linked back. I got no answer. 'REBECCA!' I tried again.

"Rebecca..." I said out loud. I felt sick to my stomach. 

"What happen? Hunter!" My dad asked in his demanding Alpha voice.

"Rebecca. She mind linked me, but now she not answering." I said while standing back up and clinching my hands into fist.

"What did she say?" Jake asked.

" Think something happened to her. She would have said something back. Did she blacked out again!? I'm leaving.Anyone coming with me?" I said to my dad as I started walking to the door.

"I'll Come." Riley said.

"Me too" Sophie said.

"Me three." Jake said.

"Yeah, me four." Susie said.

"No you stay here Susie. It too dangerous for you!" Jake said to his sister.

"NO ITS NOT. You're gonna need someone there who can tell you what they are thinking about or planning to tell you!" She said back.

"That is true." Sophie said. Jake's head shot up at Sophie.

"Yeah, but......"

"No but's I'm coming." Susie said while walking to the door.

"None of you are leaving. We haven't made a plan yet and we don't know where they went." Dad said while standing in front of the door.

Right then eight guys came running into my dad.

"We think we know where the girls are."

"What do you mean?" I pulled back my dad to see the eight guys.

"We followed the bloody trail and there was a lot of blood, so we heard Rebecca talking..." The boy got cut off.

"Well yelled at someone. We heard a loud thump and there was a ton of blood. We went running to where the yelling was happening and by then we saw Rebecca laying on the floor eyes closed, like she blacked out, because from what we saw, she was still breathing." Another man said.

"Then they took them again. Ashley was still blacked out, so we came back to get you guys.....Oh and we have two men still following them, to see what happened next." She same guy added.

"Fuck having a plan. I'm going to see those bastards who took my mate.I'll take Riley and the rest with me. You guys can come when we tell you what we see and make a plan." I said while getting a bag of clothes for all of us to change in.

I started running while I shifted into my wolf form. I took the back and held it in my mouth. The rest of them started to follow me.

Ashley's P.O.V

I woke up in a pitch black room. I was in the corner while I turned my head to see Rebecca laying on the floor. I ran over to Rebecca.

"Wake up! Rebecca!" I loud whispered, while shaking Rebecca.

I checked her pulse to see if she was still alive. She was. I guess she blacked out.

"FUCK. I was suppose to watch after her! Just until she shifted. She can't protect herself." I said to myself.

I ran all the way until I hit something and fell to the ground. It was pitch black so I couldn't see what I ran into. I remember I had a bag wrapped around my leg with a pair of shorts and a shirt, with my cell phone.

I quickly changed in my clothes and turned on my phone.

"Shit. No bars." I said again.

I used my phone as a flash light. I flashed it towards what ever the hell I ran into. It was metal bars. WTF! Really?!

Right then I heard foot steps walking towards us. 

"Shit." I said under my breath.

I ran back to where I was and laid on the floor, to try and pretend that I was still sleeping again. I faded light turned on. It was a little light that was swinging back and forth hanging on the ceiling.

"I told you they were still sleeping." A deep voice said to who ever else was there.

"I thought I heard a bang though." Another deep voice replied.

Shit they heard me running into the metal bars. 

"I don't car. I want you to stay here and watch them." The other deep voice said.

"There's no point though....." He got cut off.

"DO WHAT I SAY!" The deep voice man said.

"Sorry." The guy replied. The guy sounded familiar, but I couldn't figure out who it was. I was scared to open my eyes a little, just in case they were still watching me. I tried to keep m breath soft and still, like  I was sleeping again.

'R....Riley?' I started to mind link him.


Thanks guys sorry its short again :( 

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