Chapter 20

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Hey guys! Sorry about updating late :/ but I'm updating now :) I hope you guys liked the last chapter and now this chapter. Sorry about making them short too :( I'll try to make this one longer, but like I said man times, sorry if it short......Please VOTE,COMMENT or if you haven't yet become a FAN! :) 

Theres a picture of Jake Styles --------------> (somewhere)

Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes......


Sophie P.O.V

HOLLY CRAP! HOLLY CRAP.......HHHOOLLLY.... SHIT. After Jake yelled at me to go back, I ran right for the pack house. I kept running, but I looked at my feet and felt stupid, because I hadn't shift yet.

I shifted and ran faster to the house where my dad (Alpha), my mom (Luna) and everyone else were. 

I heard a loud terrifying scream and I knew it was Rebecca. I wanted to run back, but I have to follower orders from the soon to be beta...............and the fact that I knew that he also mind linked Hunter, when he mind linked me.

I was running out of the woods when I can see the house. OMG WHAT AM I GONNA DO???!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BOYS!??!!! First I gotta tell the pack and get help!

That kept going threw my head. Right then I saw Susie running out with my dad, his beta and eleven other men.

Of course Susie knew what I was saying to myself, After all she can read minds. She's lucky. It's rare to come with a power. I wish I did when I had my first shift. Omg the first shift always killed like a B*TCH. Hey, maybe I could read what Jake is thinking when I'm around him. After all we.... I got cut off out of my trail of thoughts, when I hit the porch and shifted back into a human.

Susie had spare clothes in her hand and I put them on. I ran into my dads arm and started crying.

"DAD, THEY NEED HELP!" I said while tears falling down my face.

"What's wrong Sophia?" He ask while his hand formed a fist. My dad is the only one who calls me by my real name 'Sophia' instead of 'Sophie'.

"These.....these wolves! they took Rebecca and then Ashley!...And then Hunter went running did Riley! And then Jake went to see what happen to them, so I followed and then they started to attack. Jake yelled at me to go! So I did and went to go get help." I tried my best to say it all in one breath, but I couldn't.

"I heard a loud scream! THEY NEED HELP!" I yelled at my dad. 

My dad looked up at the eleven guys and nodded. I got up and shifted and so did ten of the eleven guys, plus my dad did the same. Susie and the othe guy went to get help.

I started running as fast as I could back to where I last saw Jake and the rest. Half of the guys from the pack came and only about five females.

I saw three bodies on the ground. As I got closer I noticed it was Riley, Hunter and Jake. They were on the ground covered in blood.

I shifted back into my human form again, because I was too weak to stay in my wolf form.

I screamed. Tears were falling down my face.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and notice Susie was holding spare clothes for the pack to change. I putted them on and looked behind me and notice that everyone was putting on clothes. 

When Susie saw who the bodies were, she screamed and ran up to Jake.

I ran after her, with my mom behind me. We pulled Susie back.

"They're not dead. They are just unconscious." My mom said, while holding onto Susie. Her face into her.

My dad was walking around the area. He notice that there was a trail of blood. He got three men to follow the trail, five men to stay here, while the rest go back to the pack and tell the rest what happen.

As we were going back we all helped picked up Riley, Hunter and Jake and took them back to the house so we can wait to find out more, while we wait for them to wake up and while eight of us stayed and see if we can find out more.

I was holding onto Susie's hand. Her face was pail. Her eyes were puffy and blood shot red.

As we got to the pack house I stopped her.

I knelt down too look her in the eyes.

"It's going to be okay...." I got cut off from her. 

"I lost BOTH.....Both of my parents! I can't loose my brother too!" She said breaking down into tear again.

Just her saying that made my eyes water too.

I gave her a tight hug "Everything is going to be okay. Okay?" I told her.

"Yeah? what about Ashley? Or Rebecca?" Susie said.

"Or those wolves? How come nobody smelled the seant!?" She asked again.

"I know, because When I left Rebecca woke up and was screaming at Hunter telling him something, but I couldn't figure out and I heard her scream before I left." I said to her.

"And Ashley, she is soooooo strong, because she was fighting with the wolves before Hunter came along with Riley." I added on.

"And yes the part or how come nobody smelled their seant IS kind of fishy, but I think they knew them.....Well atleast Ashley and Rebecca, but then again I am wrong about a lot and I mean a lot of stuff." I also said to her.

"If you're brother doesn't wake up soon, then come sleep in my room tonight okay?" I told her, because I could sense that she was scared. Hell I would too if I was her age. I'm actually scared right now!

"Really?" She looked at me a little bit less scared.

"yes." I replied nodding my head.

We went inside to see what was my dad saying to the pack and where was my mom putting the three boys.


Hope you guys liked it :) I tried to keep it a bit longer :/

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