Chapter 17

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Hey guys :) Hope you like the story so far :D again sorry if its short like how they all are.... Please VOTE, COMMENT and if you haven't become a FAN :) just to show me you like it so far :)

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There is a picture of Sophia Kings over there ----------------------------------> (somewhere )

Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes......


Hunter P.O.V

After we heard a bang and the power went out, I took out my phone and looked around to see if everyone was okay. I tried to reach for Rebeccas hand but I couldn't find hers.

I saw Ashley jumped into Riley's arms and how Jake was squeezing my hand and I saw Rebecca and Sophie huddled together.

"Why the hell are yo holding my hand for?" I asked Jake.

"ummm you took my hand...and I thought you were Sophie." Jake said.

"I thought you were Rebecca!" I yelled at him jumping from my seat.

"why would you think I'm Rebecca?" He asked with one eyebrow up.

"Because you're hands are soft like a girls hand." I said to him.

"what no! they are a soft as a guys hand.  Don't you take care of you're hands? like put a little lotion on here and there? and you took my hand!" He said

"Again I thought you were Rebecca and you squeezed my hand back too. You thought that I was my SISTER?!" I said back to Jake.

"Guys could we just shut up about hands and lotion!" Ashley yelled at us while Riley had a smirk on his face.

Next thing I knew everyone took there phones out and use the light from te phone as a flash light to look around the room to see what was the bang.

Before I knew it I felt arms around me and I opened my phone to see who it was. 

I saw Rebecca arms wrapped around me and face in my chest. 

"whats wrong?" I asked her holding her in my arms.

"I'm scared." She said back.

Those two words made me so mad. When you're Alpha you're not suppose to have some or you're pack scared. Even worse I got my mate scared. The look in her face gave me the worst feeling ever.

After She said that I said "Jake and I would go look around the house and Riley you stay here with the girls in case something happens." to everyone and as Alpha they have to follow what I ordered.

As we got to the stairs I felt a tug on my hand. "Jake, really?" I said thinking it was him.

"what did I do now?" I heard him said that on the other side of me than the one that was holding my hand.

"who the fuck is holding my hand then?" I said turning around.

As I turned around, I saw Rebecca holding my hand.

"what are you doing? you should be with the rest. I don't want you to get hurt." I said to her as Jake, Rebecca and I went up the stairs.

"please go back Rebecca." I said to her and I gave her a hug.

"I don't want to leave you, please." Rebecca said to me.

"ummm could we get a move on, just in case if we get screwed." Jake said to us.

"just please, go back." I told Rebecca.

"Fine." She said as she turned away.

I went to go give her another hug and a kiss, but she just brushed me off.

"oooooooooohh, dayum." Jake said while covering a hand over his mouth and flashing the light with his other hand over to where I was. I just gave him a dirty glare.

As Rebecca Was on the last step we heard another loud BANG and I looked behind me to the other side of the rail and saw chair on the rail aiming for Rebecca.

"REBECCA!" I yelled to her and jumped the stairs covering her as the chair fell in front of us.

I swung Rebecca over my shoulder and ran up stairs. 

"Ummm what the hell just happen?" Jake asked while we ran into a room. I'm guessing it was Rebecca's room, because I saw a picture of Rebecca and I on our first date, when I took her to the band she loves One something or One Direction, whatever they were called.

"ummm I think Rebecca pasted out....." Jake said while pointing at her.

I layed her on her bed and was sitting right beside her, watching Jake look around. I was starring at Rebecca when I heard Jake.

"Do I look Pretty?" Jake said while there was a black bra around his head. I yanked it off while one of the straps whipped him across his face.

"OW! that hurt!" He said

"good." I said back.

Right then I heard a scream from Ashley and another BANG! I heard running up the stairs and The door knob was twisting. 

Jake ran to the bed and took Rebecca putting her in the corner while standing infront of her blocking any way to get to her. While I was ready to charge to the anyone who came threw that door.


Hope you guys liked it :) 

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