Ch.10 Oracle's need

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(Flashback) The day after finding out about Daisy's death, Farrah sat on the balcony of Ever After High where she looked at the key necklace in her hand, wondering what the key was used for that would help people.

"How are you feeling?" she turned around to see Destiny.

"I don't know" Farrah sighed "I don't know when I'm going to move on."

"Well it takes time, but not everyone completely moves on after loosing someone they cared about, there's a little part of them that will forever be chipped, but it stays strong for them to live their life."

"How do you know about this? And what are you exactly?"

"You can say I'm an oracle, I'm able to predict the future. I know about many things, and my job is to observe everyone and watch their stories play out. And sometimes I give them advice that lead them to the end of their story, whether it's good or bad."

"So just to be clear, the end of my story is good right?"

"Of course" Destiny said with a small smile "But there will always be rough paths to go through, and Daisy's death is one of them. And you must be prepared for the rest of the rough paths, especially if something goes wrong."

"What do you mean if something goes wrong? I thought you can predict the future?"

"I can't predict further futures, sometimes I don't get to see the whole picture, but that's why I'm here, I need your help."

"My help?"

"Have you ever heard of a powerful sorcerer called the Dark One?"

"The Dark One?" Farrah said as she thought about it "I think I have."

"Well my predictions told me that he may try to get his hands on a powerful weapon, a weapon so powerful that it's the only item that can destroy him. But if he gets his hands on it, he can use it to gain all of dark magic to himself to become unstoppable, he will be impossible to destroy."

"Whoa" Farrah said with a small gasp "Well what do you want me to do?"

"Find the item, and bring it to me, I'm the only one who can keep it away from him."

"Well what does this item look like?"

"You'll find a picture of it in here" Destiny said as he held out her hand as a vintage book appeared "All the information on it is on the marked page."

Farrah took the book and opened it to the marked page where she saw the picture of the item and the information about it.

"So where do I start?" she asked.

"Anywhere, you can even ask for help. I'd recommend talking to either your mother, or the Dark Fairy, they both know about it."

"Well, I'll try my best to look for it."

"Good luck. And when you have it, follow my pet dove."

Just then Farrah heard a noise as she turned around and saw a dove on a window still. And when she turned back around, Destiny was gone. She then looked at the book and the page about the item, wondering where she was going to find it.

The next morning, Brooke, Danny, and Delilah headed down the sidewalk while discussing the Resurrection Spell.

"I still think we should try it out-" Brooke suggested "I mean, if it doesn't work or it doesn't happen the way we wanted, we can always reverse it right?"

"It's not as easy as it sounds Brooke" Danny said "Magic can be complicated, that's why it takes a long time to fully master it, and remember, I'm just a wizard in training."

"Well what about your wand?" Delilah put in "Isn't your wand super powerful?"

"It is, but depending on what we're trying to use it for, it doesn't always do what you want. And besides, David didn't exactly die, the Olympian Crystal took him out of existence."

"But, we still have his body" Brooke put in "Can't we try to resurrect that? Well, not into a zombie of course."

"I don't know" Danny sighed "Again I'm still in training, so I may not be able to do it."

"Well, what if we had some help? We can ask Mira, she's a level 30 sorceress, and I bet she's brought some dead things to life before."

"But I don't think she's brought a person back to life before" Delilah said "And by the sound of it, bring a dead person back to life sounds really hard."

"It is-" Danny agreed "Although if Merlin was here, he might be able to do it, but since he's not, I don't know what we can do."

Just then a thought came to Brooke as her eyes widen.

"Hey what if we used the Black Fairy's wand?" she asked with a gasp.

"What?" Danny said surprised.

"I mean that wand has the ability to reverse any spell, maybe we use it to bring back David."

"But it's broken remember?" Delilah put in "How are we gonna fix it?"

"Well, you said it yourself, ask Mira, she's a level 30 sorceress."

"Maybe she can fix it-" Danny agreed "And maybe she can also try to help us. But once we use the wand, we have to put it away immediately."

"Well what are we waiting for?" Delilah smiled "Let's go ask Mira."

They continued walking until they came upon the sidewalk near the park.

"So Danny-" Brooke spoke up "Anything about your memory of Gold in the hood?"

"No" he sighed with disappointment "You know I don't understand, I know that it's important, and I usually remember things that are important, but I just don't know why I can't seem to remember this."

"Maybe you had your memory erased" Delilah guessed.

"Perhaps, and if so, by whom?"

"Gold perhaps" Brooke guessed.

"Maybe" he shrugged "But I can't seem to focus on that right now, I think we should just focus on-".

"Whoa wait a minute" Delilah cut as she looked ahead with her eyes widen "I see something."

And with that she ran ahead towards the pond where she looked down and couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Danielle on the ground, motionless and pale.

"Guys get over here!" she called as they all ran to her and saw Danielle.

"Danielle?" Brooke gasped.

Danny bent down near Danielle where he examined her.

"Is she...?" Delilah asked with a worried look.

When he tried to feel her pulse, he turned to them with shock.

"I don't feel a pulse" he announced.

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