Ch.55 The door

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Hey quick question, does anyone know if Ever After High is cancelled or not? I know about the new books and all, but are they done with the webisodes and movies and new characters? Because if they are, I may have to create more OCs because I really wanted some characters from Neverland and Oz. If you know anything please let me know so I know how to continue this book series.

Now in Mira's vault, Elena watched as Mira grinned up the lotus flower.

"You really think this is going to work?" Elena asked.

"It has to" Mira said "It's the only enchanted lotus here."

She then noticed that Elena had a nervous look on her face.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm just a little nervous" Elena sighed "I mean the Black Fairy is actually here, she's the source of all darkness and most likely my upcoming death."

"Don't say that."

"Well it's true, my destiny is coming up, and unlike my other destiny, I can't change this one."

Mira gave a sad sigh.

"I don't even know when it's coming" Elena sighed "For all I know, it could happen before Prom, or it could happen the night of Prom."

"Well it better not happen on one of those days, you deserve to go to Prom."

"She's right" a voice suddenly said as they turned around and saw the Black Fairy as they stepped back with shock.

"Every girl deserves to go to Prom" she smiled "I know I had fun at mine."

"Stay away from my daughter!" Mira ordered as she prepared a fireball in her hand.

"Elena" the fairy said to her with a sneaky smile "I've been waiting a very long time to meet you."

"So you're the one I fight in the final battle" Elena said while holding her bravery.

"I created the Dark Curse, you were born to break it, we've been destined to clash since the beginning of time. I never should of sent an emissary to do what only I can."

"What the hell does that mean?" Elena frowned "How did you get here?"

At that point Gold appeared next to the Black Fairy.

"Right" Elena muttered "Never mind. So is this it?"

"Oh no" the Black Fairy smirked "You'll know when the final battle begins, everyone will."

"We wont let you hurt our daughter" Mira growled with the fireball still prepared in her hand.

"Is that so Mira? If I were you I wouldn't go to the battle with her, no mother should have to watch their child die."

At that point Mira blasted the fireball at her, but the Black Fairy along with Gold both disappeared before the fireball could reach them. After that Mira gave a sad sigh as she sat down on a chair.

"I promised myself I wouldn't leave you again" she said sadly "And now the final battle is coming."

"It's okay" Elena assured "It's my destiny, there's nothing you can do to change it."

Mira gave another sigh as she turned to the now grinned up lotus flower.

"Let's just get this lotus powder back to your house" she suggested "So we can get Terrence back."

When they got to Elena's house, Olivia and David were already waiting as Mira handed Elena the lotus powder.

"Now all you gotta do is think about Terrence-" she explained "And blow the powder in front of you and a door will appear to him."

"Got it" Elena assured as Mira then poured the powder into her hand.

Elena then thought of Terrence as she blew the powder out of her hand, and just like what Mira said, a large door appeared in front of her.

Meanwhile, inside Ever After High, Terrence and Destiny walked down the hallway of the school as they examined how things have changed since the curse.

"I remembered when it used to be so crowed in the halls" he said "And now it's just weird having it empty."

"Well perhaps it'll be full again" Destiny said "I know that this curse will be broken soon, trust me."

All of a sudden, a blast of magic was heard as they turned around and saw a large door behind them. It then flung open as Elena stepped out from the door.

"Terrence!" she gasped when she saw him.

"Elena?!" he gasped back.

"Come on I'm getting you out of here!"

Terrence stood there surprised as he turned to Destiny.

"You coming?" he asked.

"No it's okay I'll find my way back" she assured "You go ahead."

He gave a nod as he grabbed onto Elena's offered hand as she pulled him through the door as they fell onto the floor of her house just as the door disappeared.

"Oh my God" Olivia gasped as they all helped them up.

"Are you okay?" Elena asked Terrence as they got up.

"How did you find me?" he asked surprised.

"Thank Mira" Elena turned to Mira.

"Well actually you should thank Cari" Mira put in "She's the one who brought the lotus flower here."

"Lotus flower?" he said confused.

"I'll explain later" Elena said.

"Well look" he sighed with a guilt look "I'm sorry I ran off, and I'm sorry for everything, I should of told you what happened back at Ever After."

"It's okay" she assured "I didn't exactly made it easy for you to tell the truth."

"And uh-" he reached into his pocket and pulled out her promise ring "Would you consider taking this back?"

Elena gave a smile as she then reached into her purse.

"Only-" she said while digging through her purse "If you consider taking this."

She then pulled out a black and blue ring.

She then pulled out a black and blue ring

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"You got me one too?" he said surprised.

"I knew you were gonna come back soon" she said with a small smile "And since you got me one, I think you should one too."

He gave a smile as he took the ring as she took hers. They then placed the rings on their fingers as they then went into a hug.

"Don't ever scare me like that again" she whispered in his ear.

"I wont" he whispered back.

"Why does this feel like a marriage proposal?" David asked.

"I know right?" Olivia agreed.

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 9)Where stories live. Discover now