Ch.15 Concerned

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At Lakeside Mansion, everyone watched as the people from the Land of Untold Stories went through the magic door that was opened with Daisy's key and back into their home.

"Goodbye" everyone smiled and waved at them.

"It was nice having all of you here" Olivia smiled.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay longer?" Dr. Jekyll asked.

"We'll be fine" Elena assured "You've done enough work, you deserve to go home."

"But the Evil Queen is still at large."

"Well she's a cobra right now-" Olivia put in "But thanks to your assistance, I think we'll be able to find a way to stop her."

"Well if you say so, I wish you all the luck."

"Thanks" Elena smiled.

"Hey Dr. Jekyll" Aidan Kenneth spoke up "Do you know why your son looks a lot like my brother?"

"Are you ever going to give that up?" his brother Terrence asked with annoyance.

"Have you two seen yourselves?"

"Well to the answer your question-" Jekyll said "I have no idea."

"Yeah well, goodbye Dr. Jekyll" Elena spoke up with a smile "Thank you for your help."

"No problem" he smiled back "I bit you all a farewell."

They all waved at him as he stepped through the portal as Danny closed the door and took the key out.

"Who knew that a dead girl could do so much help?" he said as he looked at the key.

"Man" Aidan sighed "After all those times we finally got the people back home, and I gotta admit, I'm gonna miss them a little."

"Yeah well at least they're home now" Brooke said relieved.

"If only Mira was here was say goodbye" Delilah put in "Cause she helped us a lot with them."

"Where is Mira by the way?" Aidan asked.

"At the hospital to visit my dad" Elena replied.

"He's still in a coma?" Terrence asked with a sad look.

"Yeah" she sighed sadly.

"Hey we're still trying to find a way to wake him up along with Danielle" Danny said to her.

"Do you know how long it's gonna take?"

"I'm afraid not" he sighed "But we're working on it."

"Do you wanna go see him now?" Olivia asked her.

"I don't know" Elena sighed with a small shrug "It kinda hurts seeing him in that bed."

"So that's a no then?"

"Maybe later."

"Alright, let's just go get something to eat first and then maybe we'll go."

And with that she and Elena headed out.

"Man I feel so bad for Elena" Aidan said with a sad look "She finally gets her dad back but they can't even talk to each other."

"Well that's the price for using magic" Danny sighed "Usually when someone dies they stay dead, bringing them back to life is really risky and can have some consequences, and it looks like David being in the coma is it."

"Well have you found anything that could lead to something that'll wake him up?" Terrence asked.

"Not yet, but we're still searching."

"And what about Danielle?" Aidan asked "She gonna be okay?"

"I'm sure she will, I mean the coma she's in is not like the one David's in, but it's still gonna be hard to wake her up."

"I guess the only thing we do until then is hope" Brooke put in with a sigh "Like we always do in this town."


At the 'Wonder diner', Tara along with Matt and Isabelle were having their lunch when Isabelle spoke up.

"So Tara-" she said "Are you gonna ask Dylan to Prom the next time you see him?"

"Come on" Tara said with a little whine "I still got time."

"You're not gonna ask him the week before are you?" Matt asked "Before usually when someone asks someone the week before, they're already taken."

"I recommend you ask him at least 2 weeks before" Isabelle suggested "Or even better right now."

"Look guys" Tara sighed "I'll ask him when I'm ready, and right now I just don't feel ready, so please don't pressure me."

"Sorry" they said with guilt.

By the time they were done eating, Tara pulled out her wallet and started to pull out a tip.

"Alright let's get back to work" she said.

"Hold on I need the restroom real quick" Isabelle said as she got up and headed to the restroom.

But before she went in, Tara looked up and watched as Isabelle pulled up her jeans that were slipping.

"Hey Matt-" she said with a concerned look "Is it me, or as Isabelle gotten a bit skinnier?"

"She has?" he said a bit surprised.

"I don't know, but I noticed that she keeps pulling up her jeans that seem to be slipping down her waist, and she's not wearing a belt."

"Well that's odd, she has lots of belts, I don't know why she's not wearing one today."

"Am I being too concerned about her? You think she may of just put on the wrong pair of jeans today?"

"I doubt she would go out wearing the wrong pair of jeans, I mean who does that?"

"Apparently her."

"Well I don't know why she would do that, perhaps she was feeling lazy today."

"Is she always lazy?"

"Well depends on what it is? Although she doesn't seem as lazy as me, she goes to the gym everyday whenever she cans, or she goes for a run."

"And how long does she go for?"

"About an hour or so, sometimes longer depending on how much free time she has."

"That's weird-" Tara said a bit confused "Usually girls her age only need at least 30 minutes of exercise."

Just then Isabelle came back.

"Okay I'm ready" she said.

After putting the tip of the table, they all got up and were about to head out the door when Tara watched as Isabelle pulled up her jeans again.

"Hey Isabelle" she spoke up "Why are you wearing those jeans if you're not gonna wear a belt?"

"Oh-" Isabelle said, sounding a bit surprised "I uh- must of forgotten to put one on today."

Just then she felt a pain in her stomach as she put her hand on it.

"You okay?" Tara asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" she assured "Let's just go back to the bakery."

They then headed out and got into Tara's car.

"So Isabelle" Tara said "What took you so long in the restroom?"

"Oh I was uh- fixing my makeup" Isabelle quickly said.

But Tara saw that Isabelle only had on mascara, and it seemed fine before. Now Tara was starting to get even more concerned.

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