Ch.72 Memory loss

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She didn't know how long it had been, but when Brooke opened her eyes, she found herself laying on the gym floor, now in her normal clothes. Wondering what was going on, she forced herself to get up as she saw that she was completely alone, but she had her storybook with her. As she looked around, she noticed that there wasn't a Prom anymore, the gym had been cleaned up, but when she remembered the curse, her heart began to pound with fear as she ran outside the school.

Hoping to see someone she knew, she looked around only to realize that none of her friends were around. Fearing the worse, she started down the street as she searched for her friends, but no luck. Not knowing what else to do, Brooke decided to ask someone as she went up to a man.

"Excuse me sir-" she said as she pulled out her phone "Have you seen this girl?"

She showed him a photo of Elena.

"Elena Jensen?" he said a bit surprised "Why she's been in the same place since she first moved here. Such a strange girl she is."

"And where is that?" Brooke demanded.

Meanwhile, at the Storybrooke Sanitarium, Elena sat in front of an easel in an art room as she used her watercolor paints to paint on the canvas just as a nurse came up to her.

"Elena-" she said "You have a visitor, a friend."

Elena stopped her painting of a raven bird as she followed the nurse into the lobby where Brooke was.

"Elena" she said in relief when she saw her.

"Hey Brooke" Elena mumbled as Brooke pulled her into a hug.

"Oh thank goodness you remember me" Brooke sighed in relief as they pulled away.

"Of course I remember you."

"Good, because I looked around and I can't find our friends anywhere."

"What friends?"

"What do you mean 'what friends'? I'm taking about Olivia, Lauren, your parents."

"Oh this again-" Elena sighed with disappointment "Brooke you need to cut it out with this crap."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm taking about, all of this Fairy Tale being real, how many times do I have to tell you it's not real."

At that point Brooke felt her heart drop.

"Wait you don't remember anything?" she asked.

"The only thing I remember was you showing me that book" Elena pointed to the Storybook "And I believed you back then, and that's what brought me here. But I hoped that you would of gotten better by then and put all this Fairy Tale belief away."

Brooke couldn't believe what was happening, not only has the Black Fairy's curse taken away all of her friends, but it had erased Elena's memories of them.

"Elena-" she said as she tried to hide her shock "How long have you been in here?"

"Every since I moved here and you tried to convince me that this 'Ever After High' was real."

Just then a nurse came her to her with a pill and some water.

"Miss Jensen-" she said as she handed her the items "It's time."

"Thank you" Elena said as she took the pill and water.

"Stop" Brooke took the pill away from her "You don't need this."

"I'm sorry Miss but she has to take this" the nurse said.

"No" Brooke scowled "Now would you please go, I'm not done talking to her."

The nurse gave a frown as she walked away.

"Brooke what is with you?" Elena asked with shock "You know I need to take this pill on order to get better."

"You are better" Brooke declared as she threw the pill in a trash can "Look, I know you don't believe me, but I know that deep down in there, there's a little piece of you that still believes, and I will unleash it."

She then handed her the storybook.

"Take this-" she said "I want you to read the whole thing."

"Brooke please don't do this again" Elena begged.

"I'm doing this for your own good, just please take it."

Elena gave a sigh as she took the book.

"I will find a way to gt you out of here" Brooke promised as she walked away.

When she was gone, Elena looked down at the book, not knowing what to believe anymore.


Laying on the floor, Olivia felt her eyes start to open, she could feel herself on the floor as her eyes began to fully open. But when she did, she saw that she wasn't in the gym anymore, as she sat up, she found herself surrounded by everyone who were all still passed out.

"Terrence" she shook Terrence who was next to her as he began to get up "Terrence you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine" he assured just as everyone started to get up.

"What the?" Macy said surprised as she saw that she was wearing her old outfit back at Ever After.

Everyone then saw that they were all wearing their old Ever After clothes.

"Why are we back in our old clothes?" Lauren asked surprised.

"Wait a minute-" Aidan's eyes widen "Are we where I think we are?"

Everyone looked around and couldn't believe their eyes when they saw that they were in the Castleteria of their old school.

"We're at Ever After High" Olivia gasped as everyone stood there surprised while looking around.

"But, if the curse still active?" Macy asked.

"We wont know until we look" Delilah said "Although I'm pretty sure the curse is still active."

"Wait where's Elena?" Terrence suddenly asked.

They all saw that Elena wasn't with them.

"Elena!" Terrence called, but no answer.

"She's gone" Lauren said sadly.

"The Black Fairy" Mira scowled "She's as good at her word, she ripped us apart."

"But, why did she send us here?" Macy asked.

"Who knows" Mira said nervously.

"Wait-" Danny's eyes widen "Brooke. Brooke!"

Everyone also saw that Brooke wasn't with them.

"She's not here too" Hailee gasped.

"Well where the hell is she?" Danny demanded "Is she with Elena?"

"We'll find her" Olivia assured "If the Black Fairy thinks she can rip this family apart, curses has never stopped us before, today will be no different. We'll get Elena and Brooke back, wherever they may be."

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