Ch.73 Room of realms

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After talking to Brooke, Elena went back to her cell where she laid on her bed with the storybook on her nightstand. Lost in her thoughts, she almost didn't hear the door knock as the Black Fairy, who was now wearing normal clothes consisting of a blazer and slacks entered along with a nurse.

"How are you feeling Elena?" she asked.

"I'm fine" Elena assured as she sat up.

"Are you sure? Cause when Brooke left, you seemed a bit agitated."

"Yes, everything is okay."

"Well, I just came to check on your progress, as mayor of Storybrooke, it's my job to keep an eye on our residents. And according to some doctors, it appears you're getting closer for a full release, I'm very impressed Miss Jensen."

Elena gave a small smile.

"Now wouldn't it be nice to finally move out on this wretched place? And you can move back to New York, if I can recall, you had a very lovely apartment, wouldn't it be nice to go back?"

Elena gave a small sigh.

"It would" she agreed.

"Good, because it's not just your well being that I'm concerned it, it's Brooke's too, she's still clinging to these allusions of these Fairy Tales and this Ever After High. Now I hoped we were passed all of that,  but now thanks to you she's a 17 year old girl who still believe in Fairy Tales."

"Hey" Elena said offended.

"Uh Ms-" the nurse said to Fiona "She's very delicate."

"Right, sorry-" Fiona said with a bit of guilt "Sometimes I can get so emotional."

"I never meant to do any harm" Elena spoke up.

"Of course you didn't, but as luck would have it-" Fiona then picked up the storybook "Her book of given me an idea on how we can cure her."

"What are you talking about? What do you want me to do?"

"Burn this-" Fiona smirked as she handed Elena the book "Show her that you've truly embraced reality, and then she will."

Elena sat there with shock as she held onto the book.

"Because believing in something that isn't real-" Fiona said "Can be dangerous."

At that point Elena gave a sad sigh.

"I'm sorry" she said "But no."

"What?" Fiona said a bit offended.

"Look I know all the stories in here are fake, but this book means so much to Brooke, she'll be crushed."

"Well that's the point, we need to crush her delusions, and yours."

"I-" Elena said still shocked "I'm not ready for that."

"Well then, you might not be ready now, but you will be."

She then took the book from Elena.

"I will hold onto it until that day comes" she said said as she turned to a wall mirror and looked at her reflection "Because Miss Jensen, until you're ready to destroy the book and make a clean break from this fantasy world, you'll remain locked up."


Still at Ever After High, everyone watched on the Mirror Screens as the Black Fairy left Elena's cell with the storybook.

"Elena!" some of them called out, but the image disappeared.

"That bitch" Mira growled.

"She's taunting us" Terrence said with shock.

"Mira is there anything you can do to contact her?" Olivia asked "I mean you know everything about mirrors."

"I know but I can't do anything" Mira replied with disappointment "She's the one controlling all of them."

"What I don't understand is why is she doing this?" Aidan asked "Why did she put Elena in that mental hospital? Why does she want her to burn the book? And why did she send us all here?"

As everyone thought about it, a thought suddenly came to Mira.

"It's the final battle" she gasped.

"The final battle?" Terrence said confused "In a mental hospital."

"Well clearly it wasn't what we thought it was."

"I don't get it" Aidan said confused.

"Her soul" Olivia suddenly gasped "Well she's the Savior, of course this final battle isn't a war, it's a battle for her soul! Her belief! Her hope!"

"I don't understand" Darling spoke up "What does the Black Fairy gain if Elena stops believing?"

"I think I might know" Lauren spoke up as she reached into her purple hat and pulled out another top hat that was black.

"Your father's hat?" Olivia said.

"This hat doesn't just go to Wonderland, when spun the other way, it can teleport us to every realm."

"Are you serious?" Macy said surprised.

"Oh she's serious all right" Ilene said "This hat is more powerful than it looks."

"Well if that hat can open to every realm-" Hailee spoke up "Then how come we haven't tried it back in Storybrooke?"

"Oh I tried that-" Lauren replied "But for some reason it wasn't working, but now that we're back in the Fairytale world, it may have a better chance of working."

"Well alright" Mira said "Let's give it a try."

Lauren then placed the hat on the floor, and instead of spinning it to the left, she spun to the right this time, and soon everyone could feel themselves getting suck into the hat. And by the time they opened their eyes, they were now in a large room surrounded by different doors to every realm.

"Wow" Julie gasped "This is incredible."

Lauren then turned to a door that she knew led to Wonderland, but when she opened it, she gave a gasp.

"Guys!" she screamed as everyone turned to her and gasped as well.

When she opened the door, there was nothing but blackness.

"There's nothing there" David said with shock.

"What the hell is going on?" Terrence demanded "What does this have to do with Elena?"

"This is what she's doing?" Mira suddenly gasped "It's why she wants Elena to destroy the book."

All of a sudden a loud crash was heard as everyone watched as some more of the realm doors disappeared.

"When the Savior's beliefs fades-" Olivia said with shock "So do all the realms of stories."

And with that more realms doors disappeared.

"If we don't stop the Black Fairy-" Mira said "All the realms will be destroyed... and everyone in them."

Everyone stood there full of shock, if they don't stop the Black Fairy before it's too late, all of their stories will be destroyed, and so will them.

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 9)Where stories live. Discover now