Ch.38 Shared hearts

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As soon as Mira made it to the mayor's office, she went inside where she saw David who was still bounded to the chair.

"You shouldn't of come here" he sighed with a nervous look.

"I couldn't let anything happen to you" she said a bit relieved that he was okay.

But before he could say anything else, he suddenly disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke.

"He's not the one you should be worrying about" the queen appeared with a frown as she held up the shears.

"So that's your plan" Mira concluded with a frown "You're going to separate us. Then what?"

"Then I'm going to do what you tried to do to me" the queen replied with a mad look "Destroy you."

"It's about revenge with us isn't it? You know what? Trim away, after all the damage you've done because of me, I'm ready. This town is just not big enough for the both of us."

"At last we agree on something" the queen smirked.

At that point she waved her hand over the shears as they started to glow, and just then they both felt and saw the energy between that connected them. Mira looked up at her evil self who gave her an evil look.

"See you on the other side" she grinned as she used the shears to cut the bond between them.

Now separated, Mira knew that this was it.

"Now" the queen scowled "Let's finish this."

And with that she used her powers to make a sword appear in her hand.

"Gladly" Mira scowled back as she too made a sword appear in her hand.

Now prepared, the two started to battle. As they fought, at one point Mira had to jump on the desk in order to escape the blade, and when the queen swung at her, she quickly jumped off as they continued to fight. But while doing so, the queen suddenly knocked the sword out of Mira's hand as she aimed her sword at her.

"You tried to destroy me" the queen growled as Mira back into the desk "Because you couldn't stand looking at the darkness? Well I can't stand looking at the light."

"Then you don't have to worry about that" Mira growled back as she picked up the bowl on the desk that was filled with apple as she tossed the apples at the queen.

But when the queen tried to strike her, Mira used the bowl to knock the sword out of her hand as she then used the bowl to whack it across the queen's face knocking her down. With the queen down, Mira picked up her sword and aimed it at her just as the queen got up with blood dripping down her nose.

"You really think you're better then me" she scowled "Stronger than me?!"

At that point she used her powers to send Mira flying back into a mirror shattering it as she fell to the floor in pain while covering her head from the shards.

"You think you can fill that nasty little hole of yours with love and friendship?!" the queen yelled as she swung her sword at her as Mira quickly ran out of the way "Well you've been fooling yourself because you haven't. I'm still what's inside of you, I'm all that will ever be there."

"You're wrong" Mira replied with her face now red with anger.

And with that she used her powers to push the queen back into the wall as vines suddenly appeared from the wall and wrapped around her, holding her against the wall as she struggled against the bonds.

"All those things in my life you can't stand looking at-" Mira scowled as she went up to the queen and looked her straight in the eye "They're real, and now that I have them you will never take them away from me."

And without thinking, Mira punctured her hand into the queen's chest and pulled out her black heart. Now with the queen's heart in her hand, she can finally put an end to this.

"I hate you" the queen growled.

Mira just ignored her as she started to squeeze the heart, but as she was doing so, she looked on the floor and spotted her reflection in the shattered mirror shards. And as she looked at her reflection, her image then changed into an image of her evil self with her eyes full of sadness and tears. And at that point she felt something, something she didn't think she would feel; guilt. Even though she knew she had to put an end to the Evil Queen, she felt that she couldn't do it. She gave a sad look as she turned to her evil self.

"But I don't" she said to her, replying to her comment "Not anymore."

She then used her powers to release the queen from the vines.

"What are you doing?" the queen demanded.

"I'm going to do what we never could-" Mira mumbled "I'm going to be brave for the both of us, and chose love over hate."

And with that she pulled out her own heart that was all red as she pressed the two hearts together and watched as they started to absorbs each others color. When they were done, both hearts were now an equal color of red and black. The queen couldn't believe what she was seeing as Mira put both of their hearts back into their chest.

"No" the queen said as her eyes started to water while getting a warm feeling "What's happening to me?"

"I gave you some of my love" Mira replied with a small smile and tear stains down her cheek "Love from the people I care most about, and in return I'm taking back some of your darkness, our darkness."


Mira gave a small sniff as she went up to the queen.

"You are a part of me" she said "And I'm a part of you whether you like it or not. And now, I love myself, which means so should you."

The queen felt a tear drip down her cheek as she felt her heart began to warm up. And at that point Mira gave a small smile as she wrapped her arms around the queen and into a hug. The queen felt a bit surprised, but she decided to embrace it as she hugged back. Now both queens knew that their fight was over, and no death was involved.

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