Ch.37 Battle declaration

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Now in the Storybrooke cemetery, David and the Evil Queen headed down the graveyard with the moon as their light.

"What are we doing in the graveyard?" he asked.

"Bodies aren't the only things buried here" the queen said.

"What exactly are you after? What is this about?"

At that point she used her powers to make a shovel appear in her hand.

"Please stop asking questions" she ordered as she handed him the shovel "And dig."

David gave a frown as he took the shovel and started to dig in a certain spot. And after a moment of digging, he was already tired as he turned to the queen who was watching him.

"Can't you use your magic to dig this hole?" he asked.

"I could-" she smirked "But where's the fun in that? Now you don't mind a little dirty work do you?"

David gave a sigh as he plunged the shovel into the ground as they heard it hit something hard.

"There is it" the queen smiled as David brushed away the dirt "The sound of my victory."

David then pulled out a small metal box and he opened it up as the queen reached in and pulled out the Shears of Destiny.

"A pair of scissors?" he said a bit confused.

"Don't underestimate them" she said while examining the shears "These blades are enchanted. Capable of cutting a person from their fate."

"You wanna use them on Mira" David said surprised "To break her from her destiny."

"No, my plan for her involves something more permanent. I'm gonna use these blades to finally separate us, so once and for all, I can destroy her."


Walking down the lit up sidewalk of town, Terrence read over his almost finished love poem for Elena. Since Crystal has given him an idea, he was getting more inspiration for his poem. But as he was reading, he didn't see where he was going when he turned around a corner and bumped into Olivia causing him to topple back as something fell out of his pocket.

"Oh sorry Terrence" Olivia gasped.

"It's okay" he assured with a smile.

"Oh you dropped this" she reached down and picked up what appeared to be a small jewelry box "Wait why do you have this?"

"Uh that's not important" he quickly said as he tried to grab the box from her but she pulled it back.

Olivia gave a wondering look as she opened the box and was surprised to see that there was a silver ring with a purple heart inside.

Olivia gave a wondering look as she opened the box and was surprised to see that there was a silver ring with a purple heart inside

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"Oh my God" she said with a small gasp as she turned to Terrence "Is this what I think it is?"

"It's not an engagement ring" he said while trying to stay calm.

"Is it a promise ring?"

At that point he sighed "Yeah."

Olivia gave another gasp.

"Are you going to give this to Elena?" she asked surprised.

"Hopefully" he sighed again "I'm planning on doing so during my promposal, now I just gotta wait for the right moment."

"Oh my God" Olivia said with a little squeal as she handed him back the ring "Elena is going to love it, she's so lucky to have you."

"Yeah well I feel more lucky to have her" he said with a small smile.

"Awe" Olivia smiled.

At that point her phone started to ring as she pulled out her phone and answered it.

"Hey Elena... what's wrong?... What?!...Oh my God... She what?!... Okay okay, I'm on my way right now."

And with that she hung up.

"What happened?" Terrence asked.

"The Evil Queen escaped" she said with shock.

"What?!" he gasped.

"Somehow she manged to escape her cage and now she's roaming free."

"She's free" his eyes widen "You don't think she's...?"

He looked around, feeling a bit nervous that they were being watched.

"Yeah we better get inside" Olivia suggested.


Now inside the mayor's office, the queen looked out the window with David behind her who was bounded to a chair.

"You know-" he spoke up "This isn't exactly what I had in mind when I offered to help you, unless I'm misreading the signals, and things are about to take a much exciting turn."

"Keep dreaming" the queen snickered.

"Look why don't you just let me go, if Mira wants to fight, then she'll fight, but I have nothing to do with this."

"Yeah that's not gonna happen, once I lure Mira here, it'll be the end of her."

"You really think killing Mira is going to solve your problem? All it's gonna do is make everyone look at you without thinking of her, believe me, that part is no fun at all."

The queen then turned to him with a mad look.

"You think I don't know that?" she said "Believe me when I say this David, this battle is about to come to an end, and it's not gonna be pretty."


When Olivia and Terrence got to her house, they saw that Mira, Elena, and Brooke were already there where they explained everything.

"She has David?!" Olivia gasped.

"Apparently so" Mira sighed with disappointment "She sent me a message through me mirror saying that she'll hurt him unless I, face her."

"But how is that possible? She can't hurt you without hurting herself."

"Unless of course she's found a way" Terrence put in.

"Mira you can't go" Elena said "You'll just be walking into a trap."

"But what about David?" Mira replied "We just can't leave him."

"We wont, I'll go, I'm the Savior, and it's my responsibility to make sure no one gets hurt."

"Elena you don't have to do this, the queen has nothing against you."

"She's right" Brooke agreed "If the Evil Queen really is going to do this, then maybe I was wrong thinking she could change."

"Sorry Brooke" Elena sighed sadly as she turned to Mira "Mira what are you gonna do?"

"Go alone" Mira offered "It's my battle to fight and it has been ever since I tried to destroy my dark side on the rooftop of the motel."

"But you can't do this yourself" Olivia put in "Fighting against your dark self sounds really hard and dangerous, she could kill you."

"Well what choice do I have? We can't let this end with David getting hurt, she'll hurt everyone I care about, all of you. And I can't let that happen."

Everyone saw that she meant it as she then gave a sigh.

"If the Evil Queen is going to get what she wants" she said with a frown "Then our fight ends tonight."

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