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When Terrence opened his eyes, he found himself in the woods as he immediately recognized it as the Enchanted Forest.

"The Enchanted Forest" he said with a small gasp.

"Welcome back to the Fairytale World" Destiny smiled beside him.

"So are we outside of Ever After High or are we in it?"

"We're outside it, I know about the whole curse thing, but I'm the only one who can go pass the curse line."

"Lucky" he grunted.

"So now that we're here, you wanna go ahead and see your family?"

"Sure. It's gonna feel so weird seeing them but they're not gonna be able to see me."

"Yeah well that's the bad part of being mostly dead" Destiny sighed "Being an oracle is both a blessing and a curse, but you get used to it."

"Yeah that's exactly how I felt in my family" he sighed "I always felt like the runt of the litter, my parents never really paid much attention to me, it was mostly to my siblings. Because being a Charming is also both a blessing and curse."

"Hey, you're not the only who feels that way."

"What do you mean?"

"Your siblings feel the same way too. Darling obviously wants to be a knight in shining armor instead of a damsel in distress."

"Oh that's right" he agreed.

"And being a so called 'perfect' Charming and having to act like a proper lady has put a lot of stress on your sister. And Daring, he may seem like the perfect Charming hero, but deep inside he was just as stressed as you and Darling."

"What?" Terrence said surprised.

"It's true, I mean when everyone thought that he was going to be Apple White's prince charming, Daring worked really hard to honor his family's name. He may not of shown it, but all of that pressure has put a lot of stress on him."

"Oh damn" Terrence said with a small gasp.

"But that's not all-" she added "Not only is being a perfect Charming stressful for him, but also being the perfect brother. With him being the eldest, he tried his best to help you and Darling, even if his help weren't that great, but he at least he tried. He loves you and Darling, but he has a hard time showing it, just like your family. I know they love you, but sometimes it's hard for them to show it."

Terrence then gave a sad sigh as he thought about his family.

"I was wrong then" he mumbled "Being a Charming is mostly a curse."

"Hey, being a Charming is not about being perfect heroes, it's about taking chances and showing confidence. And I've seen you and your siblings grow up, and now, even though you guys are separated from your families, at least it brought you all closer as a family. And let's not forget that Daring was okay with Darling being a hero instead of a damsel in distress."

"That's true" he agreed with a sigh.

"You see, you don't have to live in your siblings shadows anymore, because you stepped out into the light and showed everyone who you really are."

"Yeah" he said with a bit of a sad look as he thought about Elena.

"Do you wanna see Elena now?" Destiny asked as if she read his mind.

"I think she's still mad at me" he mumbled "Maybe later."

"Alright then, so you wanna see your family now?"

"Let's go" he said with a small smile.


During lunch at school the next day, Elena sat at her table and used her spoon to play with her mashed potatoes with a sad look on her face.

"Elena" she looked up and saw Olivia with her tray of food in her hands.

"Can I sit?" she asked in a calm tone.

Elena gave a small nod as Olivia sat in front of her.

"Are you still mad?" Olivia asked with guilt.

"A little" Elena sighed.

Olivia gave a small sigh.

"I really am sorry" she said sadly "I know I was a selfish person back then, and I regret everything that happened."

"You really have changed haven't you?" Elena mumbled.

"For the better" Olivia said with a small smile.

Elena then gave a small sigh.

"I guess I can accept your apology" she said.

"Thanks" Olivia smiled.

"Now all I gotta do now is talk to Terrence, but I don't think he showed up today."

"Yeah I don't think so either, I haven't seen him all day."

"I think that's because he left town" Darling came up to them.

"What?" they gasped.

"Last night I overhead him talking to this girl about going on a little adventure."

"What girl?" Elena asked.

"I think he name was 'Destiny'."

"Destiny?" she said surprised.

"The oracle girl?" Olivia said.

"Yeah" Elena said as she turned back to Darling "What else did you hear?"

"I heard that Terrence needed a break from all the stress and he agreed to go with Destiny to I think the Fairytale world."

"Did he say when he was coming back?"

"No, but I did hear Destiny say that she'll bring him back when he wants to."

"Oh" Elena said a bit relieved "At least we know he's okay."

"My advice to you is just wait" Darling said "He'll come back, I just know it."

And with that she walked away.

"Well now that we know he's okay" Mira suddenly came up to them "I think I have a way to heal a broke heart, or well haft a broken heart."

"I don't care what potion it is-" Elena said dully "But I'm not in the mood for magic."

"Who said anything about magic?" Mira smirked as she pulled out a flyer and held it up to them "It's a 2 for one drink coupon at the Red Rose bar, it'll be a shame to waste it."

"You really think haft priced liquor is the best idea?" Olivia said with unsure look.

"Yeah in case you haven't noticed-" Elena said "We're not 21 or older."

"It doesn't have to be alcohol, it says any drink, and I think we need a girl's night out, so what do you say Elena?"

"I don't know" Elena said unsure.

"Oh come on" Mira urged "Look I know you're hurt, but Terrence will come back, it just takes time. And in the meantime, I think we could all use a break."

"I have to agree with her" Olivia said "Come on Elena, it'll be fun."

After a moment of thinking, Elena gave a sigh.

"Fine" she replied, hoping that even while they're out, Terrence will come back soon.

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 9)Where stories live. Discover now