Chapter 1 [REVISED]

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"You ready?" My best friend since middle school asks. I grab my suitcase from the corner of my bedroom and head downstairs. "Yeah, are you?" I ask. She nods her head, and walks out the door.

She gets into the driver's seat and starts the car, pulling out of the driveway. "You nervous?" She asks taking her eyes off the road for a little bit. "Of course I am Nari, I'm leaving to choreograph some band i don't even know anything about" I reply. "You'll do great, I bet they're good looking to" She winks at me and i start to laugh. "Whatever.." She laughs along with me and pulls into the airport parking garage.

~Timeskip to departure gate~

"Well, this is it." Nari says, her voice wavering, noticing how she's holding in tears. I don't blame her, so am I. "Its okay Nari I'll be back before you know it." I look at her and see a few tears stream down her face. "Its hard to leave you, we've been side by side since junior high" I hug her as tight as I can, not wanting to let go of my best friend.

"Flight 1792 is departing in 10 minutes I repeat, flight 1792 departing in 10 minutes" I hear over the intercom.

"Thats me," I let go of the hug and look at her. "I'll text you with every chance i can get." I adjust the bag on my shoulder. "You better" Nari says. I walk off towards the attendant and give her my ticket, and walking off into the plane.

After taking seat and getting comfortable, I take out my book and begin reading while we wait to depart.

"Welcome passengers to flight 1792 to Seoul, South Korea. Please fasten your seat belts and enjoy the flight."

I zone out for the safety instructions to continue reading my book. The flight will take about thirteen hours, not only giving me time to read, but to sleep as well.

After a few hours of reading I decide to put my book back into my bag and get some sleep.

~Timeskip to arriving in Korea~

The plane started to shake, waking me up in the process. 'I can't believe I slept for that long.'

I grabbed my bag and put everything I had taken out back into it.

As I get up to leave, a thought crosses my mind,

'Who's going to pick me up?, I think I read something about one of the band members getting me.' I thought to myself.

I take my phone out and turn it off of airplane mode, checking the email i got when they accepted me.

'Hello y/n! Congratulations on becoming the newest choreographer
For Big Hit Entertainment.
You will fly to Seoul, Korea in
One week. You will stay with us
As our choreographer for as long
As your contract states. When you
Arrive to Korea, one of the band
Members will pick you up and take you to Big Hit. You will be choreographing one of Big Hits top bands.
Good luck and see you there.

I finished reading the email and looked around for a sign with my name on it, assuming that's whats going to happen. After a few minutes of looking around, I spot a tall man with sunglasses and a sign with my name on it in his hands. I walk over and smile.

"Hi I'm y/n." I introduce myself. He looks down and smiles lowering his sunglasses slightly. "Hello nice to meet you. I'm RM but you can call me Namjoon." He lowers the sign and directs me to where i can pick up my luggage.

After picking up my bags Namjoon and I walk out of the airport. "The guys are waiting at Big Hit to meet you. They're really excited to meet you, especially Jungkook." He chuckles and takes one of my bags. I smile at him. "Thank you, I'm also excited to meet them." I say.

We get into a nice looking car, Namjoon telling the driver where to head to next.

It didn't take long until we pull up to a big building labeled as Big Hit Entertainment. I gawk at the huge building, my stomach doing flips out of nervousness and excitement.

Namjoon puts his hand on my shoulder. "We're here, keep your bags in the car. I'm assuming you don't have a place?" I turn to look at him and shake my head. "You can stay with the guys and I at our dorm until you find a place." He smiles at me then gets out of the car and leaves for the front desk while I trail behind.

He checks in and brings me to the back where the studio is. As we get closer to the room I hear music playing. Namjoon opens the door and directs me in first. As i walk in I see six boys messing around.

All of them turn to Namjoon and I. "Who's she?" One of them points. "Don't point Jungkook, that's not nice." One of them says to the so called 'Jungkook'. I chuckle. "Its fine. I'm Y/n L/n, your choreographer." I smile.

"Hi! I'm Jungkook!" The one who pointed, ran up to me. "I'm Jin, the oldest." The one who told Jungkook not to point said. A boy with light pink hair walked towards me with their hand out. "I'm Jimin." He and I exchange smiles as i shake his hand. He lets go and goes to sit down. A boy with his bangs covering his eyes comes up to me. "I'm Taehyung, you can call me Tae." He smiles and I giggle at the name. "Where's Hoseok?" Namjoon asks. "Right here!" A boy with a middle part in his hair comes running in. "I'm Hoseok, nice to meet you." He smiles a wide smile and goes to sit next to Jimin. Last but not least a boy with black hair walks up to me, a blank look on his face. "I'm Min Yoongi." I smile at him. 'He's kinda cute.' My cheeks tint a light pink. "Nice to meet you, Yoongi" He nods his head and walks off. "It's okay, he's always like that to someone new. He'll warm up." Namjoon says next to me. "It's okay, I don't mind." Its silent in the room for a bit before Namjoon clears his throat. "I should take you to the dorm to rest, I bet the flight was long." I nod my head. "She's gonna stay with us!?" Jungkook exclaims making me laugh a little. "Yeah I am until i find my own place." I respond as he jumps up and down. Jin and Namjoon shake their heads as Jimin and Hoseok just laugh. I look over at Yoongi to see he's asleep against the mirror. I smile at how cute he looks sleeping. "Lets go!" Namjoon says. "Bye, nice to meet you all. I'll see you at the dorm." I wave goodbye and head back to the car.

This is going to be an adventure.

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