Chapter 19 [REVISED]

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{Readers POV}

"Can we go out? I don't like being cooped up in here." Jungkook groans while hanging upside down on the couch. "We can always go to the pool y'know? It's summer anyway." Namjoon points out. I look over at Yoongi who just shrugs his shoulders. Jungkook jumps from his spot on the couch and runs to his room; most likely to put his swim trunks on.

We all stand from our spots in the living room and go into our rooms to change. "You guys almost ready?" I yell from the bottom of the staircase. Next thing I knew six out of the seven boys come running down the stairs where as Yoongi took his time.

I climb into the passenger seat with Yoongi driving while everyone else made themselves comfortable behind us. "Just go to the one by Big Hit, that one is open for idols." Jin says. "Is it just for idols?" I turn around asking and Jin nods. "Its private so we get time to ourselves without having to worry about fans."

Once we pull up to the pull I take my engagement ring off my finger and put it in my bag before finding a spot to set my things. Yoongi had found a spot at the far end of the pool where he made himself comfortable with sunglasses and a drink.

"Are you not getting in?" I ask Yoongi as I set my things down next to him. "Maybe later, you can go enjoy yourself though." He says smiling at me (a/n: gosh I love soft yoongi). I smile back at him before jumping in with everyone else.

While the boys messed around in the water I took the time to lay on my back to float in comfort. Soon enough my comforting moment came to an end when someone grabbed my waist and pulled me underwater. 

I rise above the water with a gasp to see Yoongi laughing. "What the hell was that for?" I yell splashing water in his face. Yoongi floats over to me and brings me into a hug. "Just because." I roll my eyes and return his hug. 

Laughing erupts from behind me making us turn around to see Jin laughing at his phone. "What the hell is he up to?" I ask. Yoongi chuckles while shaking his head. "I choose to ignore it." 

The pool day came to an end when the sun decided to start going down. The boys sluggishly walk to the car, being tired from a long day of swimming. Yoongi looks over to me before speaking. "We should look at apartments when we get home." Yoongi suggests. I look up at him and nod with a smile. "Hopefully it'll get us somewhere." I say.

Once we got home and showered Yoongi and I sat down in our room with the laptop in front of us that displayed apartments for rent. "What about this one?" I point to an apartment Yoongi had scrolled by. "Eh to small." He groans. "This one?" I point. "Too close to the dorm," He says making smack his chest. "What about this one?" He says pointing to one. I click on the description and read it over. "We can go check it out tomorrow, for now lets just go to bed." I say writing down the address.

Yoongi puts the laptop away and pulls us underneath the covers where we fall asleep.


"Ready?" I ask Yoongi as he slips his shoes on. We were getting ready to look at the apartment that we saw last night in hopes we're able to get it. "Yeah, did you leave the guys a note?" He asks. I grab my jacket and nod my head.

Yoongi parks the car and gets out with me trailing behind. "Area seems nice, not too close or too far from the dorm." I point out. The landlord comes around the corner and smiles at Yoongi and I. "Are you two here to view the apartment?" She asks. We both nod our heads as she gladly takes us inside.

As she takes us around I look around in amazement. The kitchen seemed to be in great shape, the living room was large for it being an apartment and the bedrooms seemed to be large as well. It was the perfect place to have a small family.

"So, how was it?" The landlady asks as we stand in the living room after viewing the entire apartment. "I love it, but it's up to Y/n whether or not we want to rent it out." Yoongi and the landlady both look at me with curious looks. "We'll take it then I guess." I chuckle. The landlady claps her hands excitedly before leaving to get the papers.

As soon as she leaves Yoongi wraps his arms around my waist and spins me around. "We have our own apartment Y/n!" He yells in excitement. I laugh and place my hands on his shoulders, bringing him into a kiss. 

After signing a few papers and getting a key Yoongi and I head off to the dorm to start packing. "Did you get it?" Taehyung asks as we walk into the dorm. "We did! We're moving in today actually." I point out. You could see some faces fall at the news I just gave, of course it'll be weird not having the boys around but that doesn't mean we wont ever visit. 

Yoongi goes into his room while I go into mine and start loading things into a box. Jungkook had come in a few minutes later and began to help me with whatever supplies I had which I was thankful for. "Y'know," He starts. "It's going to be hard without you and Yoongi around. I'll really miss you both." Jungkook says putting the last of my shirts in the box. I walk over to Jungkook and bring him into a hug. "It'll be okay, we'll be around to visit every once in a while." I reassure.

I finish up my packing with Jungkook's help and bring them downstairs where everyone else is loading them into the car. Once that was finish we begin our goodbyes. "We'll visit soon, I promise." The boys bring Yoongi and I into a tight hug.

We say goodbye to the boys and begin our ride back to the apartment. "I didn't think this would all happen today." I chuckle. Yoongi reaches over the glove compartment and intertwines our hands together. "I'm glad it did though." He looks over at me for a brief moment with a smile on his face. "Yeah, me too." I whisper.

"Why is this so hard?" I groan. Yoongi shakes his head laughing at me. "Come on Y/n its just a bed, it can be made tomorrow." Yoongi points out. I purse my lips together. "But I want it made now." I mumble. Yoongi walks over to me and places his hands on my hips. "We can make it tomorrow, we have better things to do right now." He whispers before attaching his lips onto mine. 

I was kind of happy we didn't make the bed that night, it would've been ruined anyway...

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