Chapter 20 [REVISED]

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{Readers POV}

The first few months in the new apartment have gone decently well, except for the fact that the place is gross as hell. With Yoongi's clothes on the floor and the amount of dirt that's been carried in has gotten out of hand.

"Yoongi!" I yell. The said boy comes running out of our room with a raised brow. "I love you, but you're clothes are everywhere and its making me sick." I say. Yoongi sighs and begins to pick his clothes up off the floor. "You're acting like a four year old!" I laugh. 

I roll my eyes playfully before getting back to sweeping. Hands all of a sudden grip my waist as I'm picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder. "Am I a four year old now?!" Yoongi yells making me laugh. "No now set me down!" I demand. 

Yoongi walks over to the couch and throws me onto it with him sitting down next to me after. "Why're you cleaning anyway?" He asks. "Nari is in Korea at the moment and is staying here." I say. Yoongi looks at me with a shocked expression. "Is she here for Namjoon's birthday?" He asks and I nod my head. "Not only that but we're going over to the dorm tomorrow to surprise him, he doesn't know she's here." Yoongi looks at me with a smirk. "You're sneaky."

As soon as we finish cleaning the apartment someone knocks at the door. I run to the door with a huge smile on my face. "Nari!" I yell. Arms wrap around my neck as laughter fills the room. "God I am so happy to finally see you." She says.

Yoongi walks In and gives Nari a hug before showing her to her room where she sets her things on the bed. Nari walks over to me and grabs the hand that has my engagement ring on. "I'm so happy for you two," Nari says as Yoongi walks in. "And I swear to god Min Yoongi if I hear you broke her heart I wont hesitate to kill you." Nari threatens. Yoongi stares wide eyed. 

It was always good to have Nari by my side. I remember her saying something similar to my past boyfriends, when we were in middle school I remember one boy I had been with broke my heart so she broke his hand. She later got suspended but I remember her saying it was all worth it.

Yoongi, Nari and I order some pizza and pick out a movie to watch to kill time until tomorrow when we head over to the dorm. We all find spots on the couch, Nari to the far left while I leaned up against Yoongi.

In my opinion the best way to pass time is to watch a movie until you fall asleep, which is exactly what I did while Nari and Yoongi enjoyed the rest of the movie.

{Yoongi's POV}

I notice that Y/n's breathing became slow and steady indicating she had fallen asleep. I brush a few strands of hair out of her face before leaning down and kissing her forehead. "You really love her don't you?" Nari asks. I smile and turn to her. "I'd risk anything to be with her." I respond. Nari pats my shoulder and smiles. "And I'm sure she'd do the same for you, Yoongi. I'm going to bed so I'll see you both tomorrow." She stands from her spot and leaves for her room.

I shut the TV off and pick Y/n up, carrying her to our room to sleep. When I told Nari I would do anything to be with Y/n I wasn't lying, she probably has to be one of the best things that has happened to me.


I wake up to the smell of waffles and the sound of laughter coming from the kitchen. I pry myself out of bed and walk into the kitchen to see Y/n and Nari laughing. "What's so-" Before I could finish what I was saying a waffle suddenly lands in front of me making the two girls laugh harder.

Y/n hands me a plate of food before telling us the plan for today. "So we're going to go over to the dorm with Namjoon gone, set up stuff for his birthday, hide Nari in Namjoon's room and when he gets home he's going to go upstairs to put his things away then see you and everything will be good in the world. Sound good?" She asks Nari and I. We both nod our heads and go back to eating our food.

Y/n, Nari and I go to our rooms and change before leaving for the dorm. The boys didn't know Nari was in Korea at the moment so it'll be a surprise for them as well. 

Once we get to the dorm and open the door, Hoseok, Jungkook and Jimin bring the three of us into a hug. "You've been gone for so long!" Hoseok yells. "We've been gone for three months Hoseok." I point out. "That's still a long time!" Jungkook adds.

We go around the house giving those who didn't get a hug, a hug before setting up. "Where did you send Namjoon?" Nari asks. "I told him to get me something from the store that doesn't exist." Jin says as he hands the streamers on the wall. "He isn't stupid Jin I'm sure he found out by now." I point out. "I sent him out over an hour ago, I don't think he's noticed."

Sooner or later everything gets decorated, now all we need is Namjoon. "I just got off the phone with Namjoon, he'll be home in a bit. He's annoyed that I told him to get something that doesn't exist but he'll be home soon." Jin laughs. 

Nari runs up to Namjoon's bedroom where she'll be hiding while the rest of us hide somewhere around the house. Keys jingle at the other side of the door before Namjoon walks in. "Jin you're not very-"

"Surprise!" We yell. Namjoon places his hand on his chest. "Thank you guys." He says walking over to give Y/n and I a hug. Oh just wait until he gets upstairs. "Go put your stuff away so we can start." Y/n says ushering him upstairs. Namjoon nods his head and walks up stairs to his room. 

This should be good.

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