Chapter 10 [REVISED]

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{Readers POV}

Luckily the week went by quickly and we were now sitting on the bus, traveling to our first location. During the long ride I had started to become car sick which gathered Yoongi's attention. "Lay your head down on my lap, it'll make you feel better." He says. I twist my body around and lay my head in his lap.

Yoongi started to run his fingers through my hair, calming me down, making the sickness slowly fade.

The bus we were riding in was quite big, fitting all of us comfortably. Yoongi taps my shoulder and points towards Nari and Namjoon who were nonchalantly holding hands.

I opened my mouth to say something but before I could, Jimin came running down the isle of the bus. "Get back here Hoseok!" He yelled at Hoseok who was jumping from seat to seat.

Hoseok jumps over the small boy and into one of the small bedrooms the bus had. "I'm gonna beat your ass Hoseok!" Jimin said banging on the door.

"What did he do?" Jin asks. Jimin turns around with a sour look on his face. "He threw my pants out the window!" Jimin says. "And I don't even know why!" Jimin takes a seat next to Jin, slouching down.

You could hear faint laughter come from the bedroom making Jimin slouch down even more, a pout forming on his face.

Yoongi just turned to face me and gives me a look. "That's one way to start the tour." He whispers and I nod my head in agreement.

~At Arena~

We all pile off of the bus and stretch our legs. I don't think I've ever been on that long of a ride in ages. Hoseok eventually got out of the room without Jimin killing him which was a plus.

Yoongi walks up next to me and wraps his arm around my waist. "You excited?" He asks. I look at him and nod. "Shouldn't you be the one that's excited? You're the one performing." Yoongi just shrugs and we continue to walk towards backstage.

As soon as we get backstage the boys were grabbed and taken towards hair and makeup, Yoongi groaning. "What's wrong with him?" Nari asks. "He doesn't want have his hair dyed again, brings back bad memories." I explain making her laugh.

Yoongi walks back into the room we were seated at, luckily he still had the black hair he went in with. "That was awful, they're so touchy when it comes to makeup." He complains. "Beauty is a hassle Yoongi." I say making him groan.

Sounds like to me he doesn't want to be here...

~End of concert~

The boys linked hands and bowed towards the crowd, It was beautiful the way everything looked.

The platform they stood on began to lower them underneath the stage, giving Nari and I the OK to head back to the lounge room.

"You guys were great." I high five each boy as they walk into the room, panting and sweating. "Thanks. It's hard getting back into the groove of things you know?" Namjoon says and I nod in agreement.

I take a seat next to Yoongi who had his head leaning back on the wall, his eyes closed. "We should get back to the bus before grandpa over here falls asleep." I say making Yoongi slap my arm tiredly.

Nari and I gather our things, along with the boys', and head out to the bus to sleep.

As soon as we walk into the bus we left for our designated rooms and went to bed. Namjoon and Nari got the first private room while Yoongi and I got the second, the others getting bunks.

I change into a pair of shorts and long t-shirt before climbing into bed. Yoongi got in a few minutes later, wrapping his arms around my waist and snuggling into my shoulder. "Thank you for joining us on tour, it encourages me to keep going." He whispers. I place my hand on his head and rub my fingers through his hair. "You're welcome. I'm happy you guys invited me." I could feel Yoongi smile in my shoulder.

The room became quiet, only Yoongi's soft snores and breathing could be heard. I smile.

This is going to be one hell of a tour.

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