Chapter 24 [REVISED]

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{Readers POV}

~Five months later~

"I can't do this Yoongi." I groan in pain as another contraction starts. Yoongi holds onto my hand comfortingly. "Its okay, we get to meet him today." Yoongi reassures me. I groan and throw my head back onto the pillows.

Today was the day Yoongi and I would have our baby. I was nervous and excited at the same time. At the moment I was dilated to a six which meant I have time until he could arrive which was nerve wracking enough, it could be minutes or even hours until we have him.

A nurse walks in with a  smile on her face before checking the machine that was tracking my contractions. "Would you like the epidural or-" Before she could finish another contraction starts making me tighten my grip on Yoongi's hand as he grabs it in pain. "Just her the epidural, I think it'll be best for all for all of us."

The nurse walks out and walks back in minutes later with another doctor that'll be putting my epidural in. I swing my legs over the side of the bed to expose my back as another contraction starts. "It'll be okay." Yoongi whispers in my ear as he rubs my hand reassuringly. "This is partially your fault." I moan out in pain. Yoongi chuckles lightly.

As soon as the epidural had kicked in it was all smooth sailing from there. The nurse had just checked my dilation telling us it was at a nine and that she was going to go get the doctors. Yoongi seemed to be the most nervous out of the both of us. He was the one who had to take me to the hospital at four in the morning when I told him my water had broken. Poor guy.

The doctors and a few nurses come into the room catching my attention. Yoongi squeezes my hand reassuringly as he could tell my hands started to shake. "Are you ready?" The doctor asks and I nod my head. 

Yoongi sits down next to me with my hand in his as the doctor instructs me on what to do. "I'm scared." I whisper to Yoongi. He leans over and kisses my cheek.

"Everything will be okay, I promise." I nod my head and take a few deep breathes before starting to push.

~A few minutes later~

I exhale as I hear the cry of a baby. Tears brim at the edges of my eye as the nurse takes him awake to clean him off. "You did it, he's here." Yoongi says kissing my forehead, cheeks and ending on my lips.

The nurse hands him over after he's been all cleaned up. "He's so cute." I cry. Yoongi strokes the back of my head as he looks at our son. When I handed him over to Yoongi was when the tears really began. "You can go to sleep, I got him." Yoongi reassures me as he wipes away his tears with his shoulder. I mouth a 'thank you' before going to sleep.

{Yoongi's POV}

"Your mom was right, you are cute." I whisper to our son who had his lips pursed. I look up at Y/n to see her fast asleep. "Your mom is amazing you know that? She held you for nine months and went through hours of pain just to see you. I would cherish that if I were you."

I set him down in the cot that was next to Y/n's hospital bed before texting Namjoon and letting him know that Y/n and I had the baby. About an hour later someone knocks at the door before opening it. "Did I hear my nephew is here?" Nari says peeking her head in.

She opens the door the rest of the way letting in everyone else. "Can I hold him?" Nari asks. I nod my head and have her sit down before handing her our son. At this point Y/n had woken up due to the noise everyone created. 

Namjoon had sat down next to Nari wish his head on her shoulder, looking at mine and Y/n's son. "You want to hold him Namjoon? Staring at him wont make him magically appear in your arms." Y/n chuckles. Namjoon chuckles a bit before nodding and having him passed down to him. "Please don't break him." Taehyung says making all of us laugh except Namjoon who just rolled his eyes.

After Namjoon had held him for a bit he got passed down to Jungkook who was scared to hold him in fear that he was going to drop him. "You'll be fine Jungkook." Taehyung reassures him as he helps Jungkook hold him. 

"What's his name?" Jimin asks as he takes him from Jungkook. "Han-Jae." I say making Y/n smile. "Such a pretty name." Nari says looking at him. Jimin smiles at him and boops his nose before passing him around.

Han-Jae gets handed back to Y/n who just sets him in his crib to sleep. "Why'd you pick Han-Jae?" Jungkook asks. "We just liked the name I guess." Y/n says. "I can't believe you just had a baby." Nari says making Y/n chuckle. "To be honest we can't either." I admit. "I want a baby." Nari groans making Namjoon turn pale.

Sooner or later the guys and Nari all get kicked out for being too loud. Of course, out of all the things they can get kicked out for they get kicked out for being too loud.

I lay down next to Y/n as she feeds Han-Jae. "I never knew you could love someone as much as I love this little man." Y/n says. "I can't believe we're parents. Y/n we're parents." I say making her chuckle and nod her head. 

Y/n finishes feeding Han-Jae and sets him back in his crib for him to sleep. "I'm going to sleep, wake me up if Han-Jae needs to be fed." Y/n says as she's close to closing her eyes. I nod and kiss her horsehead. "I love you, you did amazing today." I whisper to her. "Thank you, couldn't have done it without you." She chuckles.

Y/n falls into a deep sleep as I make myself comfortable on the reclining chair I'll be sleeping on for the next few nights. I walk over to Han-Jae and stroke his cheek.

"Welcome to the world Han-Jae."

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