Chapter 13 [REVISED]

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{Readers POV}

The third month of tour has started and this month seems to be the most stressful for everyone excluding Nari and I. We were in South America and were currently on our way to an interview.

Yoongi had fallen asleep on my shoulder due to the lack of sleep he's been getting. The past couple of weeks he's been staying up all night working on music and lyrics. I was just as tired as he was considering I stayed up with him the past few days.

Nari had seemed to be the only one with energy in her while the rest of us struggled to keep our eyes open. She had looked over at Namjoon and smiled a large smile making him laugh and smile back.

The car comes to a hault and we all pile out of the car and making our way into the building where the interview will be held. The boys get dragged into one direction while Nari and I were put into the audience.

Almost as soon as Nari and I took our seats the boys came out onto stage and were introduced. Namjoon doing most of the talking since he spoke the most English but that didn't stop the boys from saying a few things here and there.

The interview had been going alright until the interviewer decided to ask about their love lifes, which in my opinion is too personal. (A/n: am the only one who thinks this?)

"Any of you boys have girlfriends?" She asked. Namjoon chucked and nodded his head. "Yoongi and I do, they're here with us today actually." The woman gasps. "Will they be comfortable to come up?" She asks. Before Namjoon could say anything Yoongi cut in. "I don't think they should, I don't want them uncomfortable." He says the best he could in English.

Thank god.

You could tell the interviewer was upset she didn't get what she asked for but brushed it off anyway before ending the interview with a few last minute questions.

Nari and I stood to leave before it got too crowded. Once we made it backstage the boys were ready to go, as were we.

As soon as we got back to the bus Yoongi was the first out of the car and into the bus. "Yoongi okay?" Jungkook asks and I nod my head. "He's really tired so I'm guessing he went in to take a nap." I explain.

I walk into our room to see Yoongi flattened out onto the bed, snoring away. I laugh a little to myself and climb in next to him. I place my hand into his hair and run my fingers through it, enjoying how soft it was.

My eyes began to shut out of exhaustion making my hand fall out of his hair. Before I could fully fall asleep a hand grabbed my wrist and placed it back into his hair, I open my eyes to see Yoongi with his eyes slightly open. "I like when you play with my hair." He mumbles. I chuckle and begin to play with his hair again as he falls asleep all over again.

As soon as we're both asleep Jimin came busting into the room, shaking both Yoongi and I. "Y/n! Wake up its an emergency!" He yells. I sit up and rub my eyes. "What's wrong Jimin?" I asks. His hands were shaking and he was struggling to answer. "It's Nari." He chokes out.

My eyes widen as Yoongi and I both shoot out of bed, getting our shoes on and leaving for the hospital.

Jimin gets everyone else into the car and drives us to the hospital. Yoongi took my shaking hand into his and squeeze it reassuringly. "Nari is a strong girl, she'll get through this." He whispers in my ear.

We arrive at the hospital to see Namjoon pacing back and forth. "Namjoon!" I call. He looks over at me with teary eyes. "What happened?" I ask walking up to him. He wrapped his arms around me and sobs into my shoulder.

"We were taking a walk and before we could cross the street someone swerved and hit her." He says making my heart sink to my stomach. "I know you're blaming yourself, but don't. It wasn't your fault." I pat his back and break away the hug.

The doctor walks out and looks at us before speaking. "She's going to be okay. She has a broken wrist along with a few broken ribs but other than that she'll make a fast recovery." I could see Namjoon sigh in relief.

We all walk into Nari's room and our facial expressions fall once we see how pale she was. Namjoon sat down next to her and held her hand.

I look over at Yoongi with tears in my eyes, threatening to fall. "Don't cry baby, she'll be okay. Like I told you in the car, Nari is a strong girl." I nod my head and let the tears fall. Yoongi wiped his thumbs along my face, getting rid of the tears.

Jin had walked up to Namjoon and patted his back. "Don't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault she got hit, its the driver's fault." Jin reassures Namjoon who just nods his head.

I say goodbye to Namjoon and Nari to leave back for the bus. Of course I didn't want to leave her, but I trust Namjoon enough to leave him with my best friend.

During the ride back to the bus I had fallen asleep on Yoongi's shoulder. I had felt Yoongi carry me back into the bus and setting me on our room. I had woken up to change and immidiantly went to bed afterwards.

Yoongi had gotten in bed after me and held me close to his chest, knowing I was having a hard time with Nari getting hurt.

Morning came sooner than it should've. I stayed in bed with Yoongi while he wrote some music, my head resting in his lap as I listend to him mumble the lyrics to whatever he was writing.

"Do you want to go see Nari?" He suddenly spoke. "I guess. Let's bring Namjoon some food, knowing him he hasn't eaten in less than twenty-four hours." I sit up from Yoongi's lap and pull my hair into a bun before getting dressed.

We let the others know we were leaving before grabbing some breakfast and driving to the hospital.

Thoughts ran through my mind on how Nari was doing. She only had minor injuries but it still hurts knowing your best friend is hurt.

Once we made it to the hospital I grabbed onto Yoongi's hand as he guided us to Nari's room. "You think she'll be awake?" I ask. Yoongi looks at me and smiles. "Most likely, if she is she'll be upset you didn't buy her a bagel." He jokes making me chuckle.

"I think a bagel is the least of her worries."

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