Chapter 15 [REVISED]

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{Readers POV}

Only two more months of tour to go and everybody is looking forward to it. Don't get me wrong, this tour is the best thing that could possibly happen to me but its just been so tiring and we're ready for it to be over.

We all haven't been able to get enough sleep due to our own reasons, Namjoon is up with Nari because she's been in pain lately from her accident, I've been up with Yoongi while he wrote music and the rest of the guys have been kept up because of us.

"I'm sorry I'm keeping you up." Yoongi apologizes. We were sitting on one of the buses couches talking when he suddenly apologized. "Don't apologize Yoongi, I stay up because I want to not because you're keeping me up, its my own choice." I say.

Yoongi smiles at me before he takes my hand in his and walks off to the bedroom where we laid down and took a nap.

When I had woken up a few hours later I noticed the bus seemed to be pitch black, no lights were on and it seemed to be later in the night. To be sure I grabbed my phone off the nightstand to check the time, noticing I was right when the clock displayed 10 o'clock.

I gently remove Yoongi's hands off of my waist and walk out of our bedroom to see if anyone else was awake. As soon as I walk out I could hear snores coming from the bunks where Hoseok, Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin and Jin were making me chuckle.

"Y/n?" I hear someone whisper from behind me. I turn around and smile at the tired Yoongi who was rubbing his eyes. "Come on, lets go back to bed." He walks over to me and takes my hand in his, guiding us through the dark and back to our room where we went back to bed.

{Yoongi's POV}

I wake up to the feeling of someone moving around next to me while placing their hands on my chest. I open my eyes and look down at see Y/n's head on my shoulder and her hands on my chest while she slept soundly.

I move her head off of my shoulder and place her hands next to her then getting out of bed and leaving the room. 

Hoseok scoots over and pats the spot next to him for me to sit which I gladly take. "What're we doing today?" I ask rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "We should go bowling." Taehyung suggests. "We should!" Jungkook exclaims. "You only like that idea because you're good at it." I point out to which Jungkook just shrugs his shoulders.

After a few more minutes of talking about bowling Y/n finally walks out of our room. "Morning." We all say in unison. Y/n waves her hand yawning. "What're we doing today?" She asks sitting down at the edge of my lap. "We're going bowling, so both of you should go and get ready." Jin says.

Y/n and I both stand up from our spot at the dining table and go to our room to get dressed. Once we both finished getting dressed we walked out of the bus to the car. "Lets create teams," Jin starts as soon as we were all in the car and on our way to the bowling alley. "Namjoon, Nari, Yoongi and Y/n, then we have Hoseok, Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and I in another team. Sound good?" Jin finishes. We all nod our heads in agreement.

Once we found a lane and got our shoes the game started. Namjoon had gone first for our team but ended but missing all but one pin. You could hear the other team laugh while Namjoon was sulking.

"It's okay Namjoon." Nari reassures Namjoon by patting his back even though she was laughing when he had missed it. Jungkook had stood from his spot to go and ended up scoring a perfect strike, making Namjoon sulk even more.

This was going to be a long game.

~Timeskip after bowling~

Bowling came to an end and sadly our team hadn't won which meant the others got to pick where we went to eat lunch. When we got to the restaurant and were seated, a waitress came by to take our orders. While she took our orders she kept an eye on Jungkook, most likely taking a liking to the young boy.

Of course he had noticed her staring at him which resulted in his cheeks to turn red. As soon as she left we teased him. "Find yourself a girlfriend Jungkook?" Nari says nudging his elbow. Jungkook's cheeks turn even more pink. "No, she stared at me funny which is a complete turn off." He says making us laugh.

"Are you guys coming to our concert tonight?" I ask Y/n and Nari. "We were planning on it, why?" Y/n asks and I shrug my shoulders. "I just like knowing you're going to be there when the concert ends." I say making Y/n smile and intertwine our hands together underneath the table.

I've always loved it when Y/n came to our concerts and I'm sure its the same for Namjoon but with Nari. When Y/n goes it makes me look forward to the concerts and gets me even more pumped up then I already am, we've been on tour for a while now and I can't wait to get back to Korea, for numerous reasons.

Once lunch was over we made it over to the arena where fans waited patiently to get in. We get ushered backstage to get our make up and hair done while the girls got comfortable back in our dressing room.

"See you in a bit, good luck." Y/n gave me one last kiss before I get positioned on the ramp that'll be lifting us up. "Good luck!" Nari yells as the music starts and the ramp begins to rise. 

Time to get this show on the road.

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