three; danjin

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woojin tranced into the hospital, smile so wide people would label it as the 'face-splitting' kind.

as he entered the huge building, he immediately ran into a taller male, initiating simultaneous apologises.

looking up at who he ran into, his eyes were instantly attacked (in a good way) with boyish looks, long eyelashes, cute lips.

bowing quickly, woojin went to dash off past the boy and leave behind the embarrassment, but the boy slid in front of him, blocking his way.

"i hope you don't mind me asking, but are you here to meet your soulmate?" the brown-haired male questioned woojin.

woojin nodded eagerly. "it's okay! and yes, I am! why do you ask?"

the taller boy suddenly started smiling widely, becoming more cute if it was even possible. "i'm a friend of your soulmate," the boy stuck out his arm for woojin to shake and he caught the sight of the word 'sonder' on his arm, "name's park jihoon!"

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