one-hundred-and-twenty; multi-pairing (route 2)

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"seonho, really," minhyun clicked his tongue, adopting a scolding tone, "you invite some online friend of yours without really knowing him... why?"

seonho wasn't affected by minhyun's sharp words or the glare from his hyung. "ah, hyung, it's because he's my soulmate~ i thought i'd get to know him!"

"that string bean is your soulmate?" minhyun asked dubiously, glancing at the tall foreign boy falling asleep again on the couch despite the startling entrance of seonho's brother.

"yeah hyung, so," seonho's tone suddenly turned cheeky, "you should go properly introduce yourself to your future brother in law!"

"how am i to do that if he's sleeping," minhyun grumbled while the younger boy bounced over to guanlin, a stupidly innocent smile on his face.


"sorry for not introducing myself properly," minhyun bowed to guanlin, slightly intimidated now that the extremely tall boy was standing, "i'm seonho's older brother, hwang minhyun. it's a pleasure to meet you, and i hope you treat him well."

it took approximately two seconds for minhyun to realize the young boy wasn't to be feared, and rather was much like a puppy, his pronunciation issues making him even more adorable.

"o-oh, hello!" guanlin greeted politely, bowing low, then grasped minhyun's hands, looking him in the eye, "i'm lai guanlin, seonho's soulmate! it's such a treat to be able to meet you, and i promise with my soul that i'll treat him perfectly."

minhyun popped a smile, causing guanlin's gummy grin to also appear, his wide eyes curling into one of the cutest eye smiles you could ever have the pleasure of witnessing.

"yah! minhyun-hyung!" seonho yelled, anger in his tone as he laid eyes on the pair of boys, "you trying to steal guanlin-hyung from me?!"

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