fifty-eight; dongmyeong, jisung

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"i should go with gunmin." jisung commented, bored, to the blond boy that worked behind the counter.

"no." dongmyeong denied, waving jinyoung over. jisung's lazy eyes closed, heavy breaths shaking his body.

"yes?" jinyoung questioned, silently brushing up beside jisung, the eldest of the three not even fluttering an eyelid.

"jinyoung, here's your medication," dongmyeong slid a case of pills to the bandaged boy, "please take only one every twenty-four hours. recover well!"

jinyoung nodded, grasping the case. dongmyeong grinned at him, already pulling out his phone to do something.

jinyoung turned to leave, but jisung suddenly grabbed the boy's wrist, opening his eyes to stare at the younger.

"jinyoung," the purple haired boy whispered, "give me a few pills."


for anyone wondering which gunmin i chose, it's the sexy tan boy from b.i.g gunmin lol

jisung and him are not related, i just chose him at random.

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