sixty-eight; jungjung, woojin

156 14 7

"no." jungjung growled to the caller, hanging up. looking at woojin, the red haired boy seeming concerned.

before the snaggletoothed boy could open his mouth, jungjung reassured him he was fine. looking doubtful, the boys continued their way to their respective homes.


unknown number 》no isn't a nice answer, jung

unknown number 》if you don't want to pay for your deed, i have this cute little boy called euiwoong with me that can pay for you

unknown number 》he cries a lot for his friends but im sure he'd pay for you

unknown number 》i thought you brought in a lot of money, but euiwoong seems virgin, he'd probably get the same amount of money as you

unknown number 》now, your answer was no, correct? would you like to change that?

jungjung 》i'll do it but you better not touch that boy

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