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gUeSs wHo cAnt sLeEp aGaIn

iM sOooorrryyy

i literally lay down and close my eyes for 4 hours than i'm like fUcK

sOoo how are you guys??

today i did a bunch o errands with my mom. it was for her catering business so yay but also asdvghn errands

we also bought makeup for me bc i caved with ppl telling me i should wear some so yay!! conforming!!

i got this lipstick shade just bc it's number was 420. i'm so immature

i should probably learn How To Makeup. i'm probably gonna end up looking like a clown tbh if u have any advice pls leave it thank

also it's snowing like a bunch. we're getting a huge old storm here in colorado and i'm happy!!! i love snow sm

okay i'm gonna attempt to go to sleep fUCKING AGAINNN

i h8 not being able to sleep

love u guys ~bye~

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