tag ((soz))

23 5 12

so i was planning and hoping to publish a wrong number chap today but i was rlly busy ((like acTually busy not just hella sad)) today and i'm exhausted. also i seem to only remember cedim when i'm about to go to sleep rip.

so here's a tag that i stole from my son erin hUzAh

purple; ten facts about my room
-it's hella cluttered
-i have a billion knickknacks
-i have a huge collection of snow globes
-my bedding and pillows r all mismatched
-my dog sleeps w me on my bed
-i made like 1/2 the pillows i use
-i have way more books than i should
-i share my room w my sister
-i clean it almost everyday
-i spend 9/10 of my time here

blue; 9 facts about my family
-3 brothers
-names; ben, chan, brooks
-1 sister
-name; willow
-a doggo bentley
-disfunction-able af
-vv sarcastic
-we hate each other sm we love each other
-it's nice but they drive me insane

green; 8 facts about my body
-hella gross™
-brown hair
-brown eyes
-short hair that's bout to be shaved ;;0
-hella chins
-^that was supposed to be chubs but it autocorrected to chins but that works 2
-weirdly big feet
-bags under eyes

yellow; 7 facts about my childhood
-grew up sUper fast omg
-it was strange???
-i remember playing lots of video games
-going outside on the tramp
-parents fighting
-realizing ppl don know everything
-lots of hamsters

orange; 6 facts about my hometown
-super boring
-river and lake
-used to hop roofs downtown
-donut shop
-lots of trees

red; 5 facts about my best friend
-i love them
-saved my life
-makes me smile
-changed my life sm
-they're so supportive and nice i cry

pink; 4 facts about my parents
-fight a lot
-try their best
-im least favorite but it ok
-probably dreamed better in life and ended up with us

white; 3 facts about my personality
-too many puns

grey; 2 facts about my favorite things

black: 1 facts about the person i like

i'm half asleep to that prob made no sense. night love u guys

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