a little catch up pals

27 6 12

so i feel like i haven't really talked to you guys in a while and some shtuff has happened

-i came out to my parents
-went to pride
-have been working a lot of odd jobs
-went to therapy
-hung out w friends

okay coming out to my parents was nice. nothing much to talk about actually. crying. yup

going to pride was aMaziNg. i cried. i felt amazing. got a sunburn but it was worth it. it was beautiful

odd jobs have been nice but also exhausting and frustrating. i'm still working them but why r ppl so mean ??

going to therapy was a lot. i told her about coming out. she was v nice. i told her about my parents being drunk. we talked a lot. she told me to start keeping a journal again and i am. she also cried a tad while i was talking about my mom. she told me i don't have to tell her yet which is good.

hanging out with friends was not so nice. the friends i hung out with don't like me that much. i was ignored a lot and they looked at me weirdly and said 'imogen you make things awkward' and 'stop you're being weird again' and would roll their eyes. i wanted to leave so bad. they also made me do this thing that i rEally didn't want to do. it was
embarrassing. also they made fun of my shaved head so i wore a hat for the rest of the night.

fun times

okay well love you guys


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