The Yule Ball

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{A week prior to the Yule Ball}

I walk through the hall,
"Potions with hufflepuff" I think to myself.
I get to class and everyone is seated, but no one is paying attention to the lesson, they were thinking about what to wear, who to ask for the ball"
Professor Snape noticed and so he slams a textbook on his desk loudly.
" Those who wander will not be tolerated in my class" He pronounced.
After the class we go to our free period, i sigh and begin potions homework.
Crabbe nervously shifts from foot to foot, I look up at him.
"Ummmmm....uhhhh" he stuttered
"Are you ok, Vincent?" I ask
He begins sweating,
"Ummmmm-will you go to the Yule ball with me?"
Surprised, the words:
"Um-yea" slips from my mouth
"Oh great! See you there!" He turns and pumped his fists
What did I just do.
"Got yourself a date?" I hear a voice and I jump back and crash into Draco.
He cracks up
" Crabbe of all people?" He laughs
I roll my eyes, " I didn't mean to!"
He sits in the big green chair behind him and I plop back onto the floor.
I get back to my work
How many spoonfuls of powdered moon dust do you need for a Veritaserum potion?" I say not looking up
"Just one I think" Draco replied.

{Night before Yule Ball}
I don't have a very formal style so I called Pansy Parkinson over to help me choose an outfit.
She shuffled around in my wardrobe and she turns to me and says
"There's really nothing in here appropriate for the Ball" Then her face lights up. "I have the perfect thing for you!" She says excitedly
She runs to her wardrobe and pulls out something. She runs back and I see that it is an almost floor-length dress which is very dark green, almost black.
She pushes it into my hands
"Try it on!" She squeals
I go into the bathroom and pull on the dress, it was kind of big on me however.

(Not Rozaliya)

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(Not Rozaliya)

I walk out and Pansy runs to me
"Oh my goodness you look amazing!" She says
"I'll add one touch.." she looked at my jewelry rack
(3 bracelets and 2 necklaces) and takes out a nice golden one.
"Now that's all you need"
"Thank you sooo much Pansy" I say
"No problem" she says walking to her bed.
I put the clothes next to my bed and pull on my nightwear.
I snuggle under the sheets and fall asleep.

I dream that I am in a big empty room and the weird baby thing of a father is at the other end.
"I-i just need his blood" it whispers
It wobbles towards me,
"I CAN GET REVENGE!!" It yells.

And now I see myself falling and a voice echoes in my head in some weird language, Then I am in another room, in the room my sister is snogging Harry Potter
"Eww!!" I shrieked and they vanish
Next my sister is there, she looks at me and begins crying but from her eyes, puddles well at her feet, soon a blob of water forms from the tears
Severus Snape and Dumbledore.
Dumbledore first stood and did nothing but then he pinned Snape to the wall and screamed
Then a figure appears
"MOO!" It yelled
You aren't a cow I said to it
"Hmm ok then--MEOW!"
then the figure disappears and it's just a white room.

I wake up and look at the clock 6:30 it read
I put on my robes and walk to the main hall for breakfast.
I sit in between Draco and Pansy,
Crabbe flashes me an awkward smile.

{19:00 or 7:00 pm}
I pull on the dress Pansy gave me and braid a metallic string into my hair.
I look into the mirror.
I walk down the stairs alone (everyone was already at the dance) When i get to the bottom of the stairs, everyone turns and looks at me
Even Draco looked surprised,
I walk through the crowd
"Wow" I hear someone whisper
As I walk past I pretend not to see all the people gawking at me.
"Do I have something on my face?" I think
Crabbe walked up to me
"Ummm... You look sexy" He said
"OH MY GOD SORRY I -I mean you look um.. really pretty. "
I can't be that Attractive, I was always the weird kid no one noticed or cared about.
We go and get cupcakes and then we danced
For a chubby guy (Sorry Vincent) He was a great dancer.
I was dancing the night away, I never knew how fun dancing was!!
Crabbe came close and tried to kiss me but I realize this and I slip away.
Not happening.
I go to the food bar and picked up a few olives.
By a few I mean a lot. I love olives. Sometimes, a bit too much.
Draco looks at me and is ready to walk over but he turns pale and runs out of the room.
I run after him
He tried to put a cloak on but I caught him.
"Where are you going!" I say tugging on his sleeve
"I forgot to do the thing that the dark lord assigned" he says quietly.
"I'll help you!" I say
"Oh, you don't want to"
"My task was to get him unicorn blood"
Oh crap, sorry then in that case you're on your own"
He pulls the hood over him and runs away.
I come back into the hall and we dance till we can't dance anymore.
I lug myself upstairs, and I see my sister holding a few textbooks and notes
"Woah, you actually don't look like a midget giraffe" she says
"Thanks" I say sarcastically
I go into the dormitory and throw myself onto the bed.
I fell asleep almost instantly. Tomorrow's when my father will regain his form.

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