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The next day, Voldemort sent me a letter.
He ordered me and Lizzie to kill Harry once more, he found his hideout which was in the woods .
So later in the night, we snuck out holding nothing more than our wands.
The leaves and snow crunch beneath our feet.
Finally we hear murmuring and we come across a camp site.
Hermione and Harry were roasting fish over a fire.
I yank Lizzie out of their view and we hide behind the tree. Soon we jump out from the tree ambushing them. Hermione yelps and jumps up, pulling out her wand.
Harry pulled out his wand. I took out my smooth Hazel wand. Lizzie takes on Hermione and I take on Harry.
We both chant expellaramus but nothing happens as our beams of light connect.
Crap. I can't beat him, since our wands have the same core.
I shout over to him.
"Wait! We can't fight!"
"Why?! Are you scared?" He yelled over
"No! Our wands have the same core!"
He doesn't believe me so he keeps shooting and so do I and we shoot spells at each other aimlessly.
Hermione and Lizzie were plainly watching from the side.
"Protego!" I pant and the spell missed him again.
We both collapse on the floor gasping for breath.
" I bet....if we had...different wands...then I would...win" I say through breaths.
"No...no you....wouldn't." Harry says.
I look at his wand,
It was a very lovely wand.
"What kind of wand do you have?" I ask.
He looked confused since I asked such and off topic question.
"Um..holly wood, what about you?"
I hold out my wand and we swap wands and examine each other's.
"Um..Roza! Now is not the time to be comparing wands." Lizzie said dangerously. We look up at her and she blushed when Harry looked in her direction.
"Not crazy anymore aye? I'm just glad your sister survived, boy... you went totally ballistic that night."
I was shocked, I stared at Harry and mouthed Too far.
But before I could get up
Lizzie screamed
"Avada Kedarvra" and the spell whizzed past Harry's head.
I look at Lizzie, eyes wide and back at harry who had the same expression as I did.
My once sweet and innocent sister stood there, anger in her eyes and wand shaking in hand
Harry had driven her off the edge.
She was shouting curses at the top of her lungs, with tears brimming her eyes.
I scrambled away and Hermione aimed her wand at me but I grabbed her arm and pulled her behind the tree.
"Why did you do that" Hermione breathed
"Well last time she placed a crucio curse upon me so..." I started casually rolling up my sleeve, revealing the huge bruise on my arm.
Her eyes widened "Lizzie did?"
"B-but you are her sister?" She said
"Yea, I don't know why she did it."
A huge noise erupted from out the tree.
We run to see the damage.
Both Harry and Lizzie were unconscious and sprawled out across the floor and the branches around them where on the floor.
"How do we heal them?" Hermione pants, cradling Harry's head.
"Forget heal" I say "Are they even Alive?"
Hermione turns pale and drops to feel their heart rates. I look over at Harry, he was holding my wand and I look down to see his in mine.
"I think I know what happened" I say standing up.
"Harry had my wand and so when he tried a spell it backfired and knocked both of them out"
"Oh, I see. Yeah, it makes sense" Hermione said.
It shocked both of us to see how quickly we switch between enemies and allies. I slung Lizzie's arms around my neck and hoisted her onto my back, struggling under the weight. I immediately felt bad for Hermione, who but her lip when she saw me struggling and looked back at Harry, I had no idea how she was going to carry him, luckily, he groaned and began to prop himself up on his elbows, rubbing his head

Demented daughter {Rewriting}Where stories live. Discover now